Cramped by land availability rules in Belize, hampered by a dysfunctional political and bureaucratic, nepotistic, predatory political party favoritism, of business port townie discrimination. Hampered by government departmental systems that do not seem to work for rapidly changing business requirements. Belizean investors are looking to Eastern Guatemala to expand their business ventures.
In the last two decades, the Eastern side of Guatamalan states, have developed massive infra-structure projects, to enable the populations of Guatemala and Belize to go into business. Belize citizens are not discriminated against and can buy and own land in Guatemala.
Prominent among services available to Belize citizens in Eastern Guatemala are excellent bus services, a large network of asphalt paved new highways, young new towns growing and expanding by leaps and bounds, a vibrant work force and a market in that country of Guatemala alone, that is equal to all of the CARICOM countries put together.
Not least among the attractions to over the border investment for Belize investors, are modern telecommunications competitive services in internet and telephone, at very high speeds and bandwidth, at rates a third of that in Belize, telephone systems that are available and work, ( unlike Belize ), water and electrical supply, internal and foreign shipping systems that are cheaper and more direct than any going out of Belize, covering even the Atlantic and Pacific ocean countries.
The internal regional trade market with Honduras, Nicaragua, Salvador and Guatemala alone quadruple the available markets for Belize investors, over Caricom, who will establish themselves in Eastern Guatemala. Do you dream of building a chain of stores? This is the opportunity to do it. The entire neighboring region of Central America is exploding with business opportunities. The educated elite of Belize have an opportunity to get into the frontier of all this trade and economic action, whereas at home in Belize, they continue to find the business opportunities stifled by a political and bureaucrat bumbling and laggard dysfunctional systems. Or orientated by politicians using the permit and license system to steal businesses, or eliminate competition in our small scale of doing things, to the aggravation and wasted years of young people starting out in life. Life in the small circle of population in Belize is very piratical, like piranha devouring anything that enters the waters here.
Belizeans on a very small scale, measured in the few dozens, have always been invested in Guatemala, from the capital in the highlands, to the Eastern state of Peten. I’ve known Belize businesses in Guatemala for more than 50 years. In the last two decades though, Guatemala has opened up the Eastern high rain fall side of the mountains to new business and there is a mad pioneering scramble down from the mountain tops and valleys along the Pan American highway system and branch roads of new entrepreneurs. Mestizos, Europeans and Mayan Indian tribes are flocking to take advantage of pioneering advantages and opening a new frontier. Belizeans frustrated by the political and bureaucracy of Belize can also join this frontier life over the border in Guatemala and indeed should do so. Frontier life in Eastern Guatemala is even more advanced than the best that Belize has to offer, when it comes to services, opportunities and infra-structure. The growing population of Belize needs room to expand and if you can’t get it in Belize for whatever political and bureaucratic nightmare obstacles and reasons, it behooves Belizeans to try their future in Eastern Guatemalan states. Things are booming and changing rapidly over there.
We all may be one country in the next five years anyway, as the UDP seem intent in selling out our valuable INDEPENDENCE gained by the PUP from the United Nations 26 or so years ago to Guatemala, with nonsensical responses to eternal repetitive Constitutional Guatemalan land and sovereignty claims.
The cry for this generation of higher education graduates in Belize, should be: ‘GO WEST YOUNG MAN’ go West. You have lives to build and families to raise, go where the opportunities are. Build your future, however you can! There is more entrepreneurial business opportunity in Guatemala, than in Europe, Belize, Canada or the USA. All you need is an idea, some capital, a supportive family in Belize and VOILA you can be successful beyond your wildest dreams in Belize. The nicest thing is; you can phone home cheaply, travel there quickly in one day by bus for a visit, or drive in your own car. This may not sound patriotic, but facts are facts and our leadership in politics has been sadly self centered and not done justice to Belizeans living in Belize. Don’t get discouraged, the land of milk and honey is just over the border. It is a lot easier to be a frontier pioneer in Eastern Guatemala than in Belize.
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