Corn in Belize is used mainly for feeding the poultry business, both broileers and layers and some goes to cattle and pigs. Spanish Lookout Mennonite agri industries consume about 4 million pounds of corn a month.
For 2011, by the time the corn crops end, the estimate by EXPERT Paul Penner, is that 120 million pounds of corn, compared to 90 million pounds grown in 2010 last year. Spanish Lookout agri industry will consume 50 million pounds and the rest of the nation of Belize will consume about 30 million pounds of corn.
Last year, Spanish Lookout exported over 20 million pounds of corn to the small island countries of CARICOM. This year, 2011, the Mennonites are shipping 5 containers a week. A container carries 50,000 lbs of corn. Most of the corn is sold to Jamaica. I wonder how they get their money out of Jamaica?
Last year the nearby Guatemalan market is bigger and they sold 14 million pounds of whole corn, across the border. The price fluctuates, as the Guatemalans buy a lot of GMO corn from the USA as it is cheaper. The USA does not export first grades of corn, they only export their rejects, which are classed as 3rd, or 4th grade. Since Guatemala buys the reject grades from the USA, they have found across the border that 100 lbs of BELIZE corn, will when ground into corn meal for tortillas and such, produce a higher quality of cornmeal, usually about 65 pounds of corn meal. There is less product of poorer quality, from the USA imported corn.
Corn growing is increasing. In 2010 local Belize farmers produced about 16,000 acres of corn, this year 2011 we are producing 20,000 acres. A lot depends on the type of soil used. Those with good black loam usually plant in April and May hoping for rains by May 20th. Early planters of corn got hit this year by rotting corn for the first planting, and had to buy seed again from Midwest Steel, the primary source of seed corn and replanted. That lopped off 25% from the expected revenues. The weather was rainy a lot this year. We didn´t have any hurricanes, but the weather was mixed. Over in Blue Creek ( another Mennonite enclave ) a lot of the farmers had not even planted corn by August. Usually they would reap in September.
There were complaints from the media of a corn shortage and that turned out to be primarily in the Orange Walk district due to exporting corn to Guatemala. Guatemalans prefer white corn for their tortilla market, but when that runs out, Belizeans double clean their corn as a substitute and it works. Running corn through the mill twice. Only certain varieties of corn make good corn meal. The added cleaning added over .10 cents a pound. Corn is tricky. For corn meal the moisture content is critical and 13.5% moisture content is optimum.
After corn comes planting of BEANS
Belize is the ONLY country exporting Red Kidney beans to CARICOM small island countries. Because of CARICOM we have preferential sales. If our crop runs into trouble, we must notify them, so that CARICOM can start the bureaucratic process of issuing waivers and permits for importing RK beans from alternate sources. Red Kidney beans season runs usually from February to January, almost a whole year. We are already running out of export RK beans and so have notified CARICOM.
BLACK EYE PEAS This crop is our fourth biggest export to CARICOM. Throughout the year, we export about 2 or 3 containers of Black Eye Peas to CARICOM per week. 50% of the crop goes to CARICOM, 2% is consumed in Belize and the rest goes to Turkey, Portugal, Middle East, Canada and the USA.
We can ship exports of hammocks, chocolate candy, solar panels, Whittaker mushrooms, and many other products. So far, no Belizean entrepreneurs have taken up the challenge to produce these items. It could be the lack of internet for entrepreneurs, or insufficient hunger driving ambition? The port town labor market cry a lot, but seem to prefer handouts and the bureaucrats seem to concentrate on teaching entrepreneurs how to braid hair, make sidewalk food, and other such minimal effect type businesses. Nobody in the government is actually teaching would be entrepreneurs how to go into real business, starting small and building your industry over a number of years. There is plenty of credit, cooperatives we know work, credit unions are common, a lot of new small government institutional banks and credit also. Nothing seems to be working done by the bureaucrats?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Brazil gave Belize Agriculture Dept. lessons in organic farming.
BRAZILIAN EMBASSY has done some education of our local agriculture people in ORGANIC FARMING
To what extent that technical expertise can be passed on to extension officers and eventually farmers in Belize remains open to question. If past history is any guide, it will be forgotten and never get anywhere. Three farmer groups into organic growing, in the Cayo District have received some passed down lessons and information though. The organic farmers are serious about it. We wait to see if export crops can be made to work for organic farmers.
To what extent that technical expertise can be passed on to extension officers and eventually farmers in Belize remains open to question. If past history is any guide, it will be forgotten and never get anywhere. Three farmer groups into organic growing, in the Cayo District have received some passed down lessons and information though. The organic farmers are serious about it. We wait to see if export crops can be made to work for organic farmers.
Medicinal NONI fruit is available in Belize, grows here.

The NONI fruit in Belize
I´ve seen the NONI fruit at the Macal River market in Belize on a Saturday morning. Not knowing what it was, never bought any. They are few in number anyway. My understanding of the NONI is it is a medicinal plant.
You know this has to be true, because it smells and tastes bad. As a youngster you learn that lesson quick. Anything that tastes and smells bad is a good medicine.
The fruit is good for treating a wide range of ailments. From TB, back pain, asthma, head lice, poultice heals sores and broken bones faster, abcesses, vitamin deficiencies, constipation, gastrointestinal, menstrual, urinary problems for women, hyperactivity, burns, diabetes, infections, etc.
contributed comment:I seen "NONI" growing on Caye Caulker at the new condos right there beside Popeye's on the beach. The thing grows everywhere and sells in its "concentrated form" for US$20/ Belize City. ( $40 Bz a quart for the juice - WOW! Orange juice on Caye Caulker, or watermelon juice sells for $6 bz a quart.
Another added comment and recommendation:
Have a friend who has had several back surgeries & arthritis in the spine; she swears by it and drinks it sort of like a tonic.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The BTL internet was supposed to be cut down to $49 a month. My bill is still at $109. So much for El Caudillo´s rhetoric, bombast and electioneering speech on Independence Day. ( thumbs down on that political promise )
it seems you may have misread that speech, Ray.
He is matching the SMART competition for slow speed internet and lower price.
Aaaah! He didn´t cut the high speed in half rate then? What he did is use fancy words to offer us the same speed, ( half what I have ) for a lower rate, that SMART the competition has. I already have SMART as backup. Boy oh boy! You can´t trust bloody lawyers can you?
Basic subscription in Iceland is 12 mbytes, for basic subscription in Iceland, which has population similar in size to that of Belize you can get 12 (twelve) MBps for 56BZD - they call it BASIC SUBSCRIPTION.
Okaaay! Then the UDP do not deserve that 2 points they were awarded on their approval rating, so will deduct it back. My misunderstanding of what he said. Or the speeds involved. SO UDP APPROVAL REPORT CARD RATING IS NOW CORRECTED TO 36%
The BTL internet was supposed to be cut down to $49 a month. My bill is still at $109. So much for El Caudillo´s rhetoric, bombast and electioneering speech on Independence Day. ( thumbs down on that political promise )
it seems you may have misread that speech, Ray.
He is matching the SMART competition for slow speed internet and lower price.
Aaaah! He didn´t cut the high speed in half rate then? What he did is use fancy words to offer us the same speed, ( half what I have ) for a lower rate, that SMART the competition has. I already have SMART as backup. Boy oh boy! You can´t trust bloody lawyers can you?
Basic subscription in Iceland is 12 mbytes, for basic subscription in Iceland, which has population similar in size to that of Belize you can get 12 (twelve) MBps for 56BZD - they call it BASIC SUBSCRIPTION.
Okaaay! Then the UDP do not deserve that 2 points they were awarded on their approval rating, so will deduct it back. My misunderstanding of what he said. Or the speeds involved. SO UDP APPROVAL REPORT CARD RATING IS NOW CORRECTED TO 36%
Belize FARMER John Carr forecasts agriculture crops for 5 years out.

John Carr private big time farmer is giving a FIVE YEAR forecast.
( For some strange reason the Agriculture Department, or Ministry of Natural Resources don´t seem to have any information for the public on agriculture crops. )
ANYWAY, John says Cattle quantities and prices will increase 30% over the next five years. He also says CORN FARMERS will also see a 30% increase in acreage and about .30 cents more in price. Beans will see an increase in prices up to between $1.25 on the low side and $1.60 on the high side. Rice acreage is expected to increase by 20%. The prices may stay the same, or be a bit lower as there is a lot of foreign competition in rice production.
Contributed comment by observer: GOB doesn't run Belizean agriculture - Mennonites do. All GOB is capable of doing is sinking money in unprofitable ventures run by their cronies or for political reasons. That in addition to stifling the movement of livestock, produce and machinery across the borders. If George Price didn't bring the modern Mennonites to Belize back in the 1950s Belize would be buying corn from the US like Guatemala and also have similar meat consumption per capita to that of Guatemala.
Belize exporting $20 million worth of PAPAYA

I got this figure from John Carr of the Agriculture Report magazine.
Whole bunch of acronyms of organizations involved with this venture of opening up the VACA Forest Reserve to private commercial enterprise. Already 15 BEEKEEPERS have been trained and issued bee keeping suits and materials. There are 13 men and 2 women going to be serving bee hives in the VACA FOREST RESERVE.
The concessionair is the Cayo Honey Quality Producers. They get about 5000 acres of forest reserve to place and move their hives about in. Lot of government branches claiming participation, plus the UN FAO and NGO´s. The acroynms listed in an article on this in the Belize Agriculture Report would make the Pentagon proud.
Friends for Conservation ( FCD ) is going to be operating a revolving fund and establish a market for the honey. Bees and honey are considered non invasive by the Forestry Department.
The second development is more mysterious. Apparently some farmers are going to be allowed to establish farms on a managed type of planning, instigated by FCD extension technicians and a CATIE/MesotTerra agronomist. Whatever those acronyms mean? The deal is they will farm in cooperation with Forestry management ( fat chance there in my opinion ). Will the farmers get land titles? Now that is an interesting question? So far, that second part seems to be just talk and paper bureaucratic talk. Sounds more like a GRANT funded bureaucratic excercise that will eventually die, when the GRANT FUNDS runs out.
Whole bunch of acronyms of organizations involved with this venture of opening up the VACA Forest Reserve to private commercial enterprise. Already 15 BEEKEEPERS have been trained and issued bee keeping suits and materials. There are 13 men and 2 women going to be serving bee hives in the VACA FOREST RESERVE.
The concessionair is the Cayo Honey Quality Producers. They get about 5000 acres of forest reserve to place and move their hives about in. Lot of government branches claiming participation, plus the UN FAO and NGO´s. The acroynms listed in an article on this in the Belize Agriculture Report would make the Pentagon proud.
Friends for Conservation ( FCD ) is going to be operating a revolving fund and establish a market for the honey. Bees and honey are considered non invasive by the Forestry Department.
The second development is more mysterious. Apparently some farmers are going to be allowed to establish farms on a managed type of planning, instigated by FCD extension technicians and a CATIE/MesotTerra agronomist. Whatever those acronyms mean? The deal is they will farm in cooperation with Forestry management ( fat chance there in my opinion ). Will the farmers get land titles? Now that is an interesting question? So far, that second part seems to be just talk and paper bureaucratic talk. Sounds more like a GRANT funded bureaucratic excercise that will eventually die, when the GRANT FUNDS runs out.
A) Big Independence Day bash in Belize for the 30th Independence Day, parades and all that.
B) Then the first politician to actually create Belize as an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY died at 92, just before Independence Day. We had a BIG STATE Funeral roughly the same time. Marching military, military band, formal casket carried in STATE by hearse. Crowds along the streets sides to pay respects to the founding father of the nation. 21 brass cannon ( small ones ) salute. Fly Over by our only single military aircraft. Pomp and circumstance! The two political party enemies unified over the STATE FUNERAL, which was amazing to everyone in the nation. Unheard of, from bitter enemies, or political pirate bands at continuous war. Pleased everyone!
C) In reflection, in thirty years, Belize went from about 65,000 population 30 years ago, to 350,000 population today. Lot more infra-structure. There are about 70,000 adults working in the country maintaining everything. MOST of them work for the government. We don´t have that much in human resources.
The thing that got me, is that in 30 years we have not broken our nation´s SLAVERY CYCLE. ALL the FOREIGN EXCHANGE our government gets, is harvested by foreign lenders each year. There is NONE left over for local business people. Our cash reserves are so small, as to be a big joke.
In 30 years, we have not been able to find a single political leader that can cut the gordian knot, of SLAVERY by our government and people, to paying foreign lenders, INTEREST and PRINCIPAL with our scarce foreign exchange. We have not been able to keep any meaningful amount in SAVINGS, or FOREIGN RESERVES. While infamous GREECE of the EU might have a Debt to GDP ratio, of 200%. We in Belize are not so bad, but still over 100% Debt to GDP. When it comes to money handling, there isn´t a single person willing to turn politician, CAPABLE of finding a solution to our 30 year DEBT CRISIS. That bit of knowledge fills me with sadness on our 30th anniversary of political independence, as we continue to live as a nation in PERPETUAL SLAVERY to FOREIGN LENDERS. ( What was that old country and western song. "I owe my soul to the company store! " ) That should be our REAL national anthem. SAD FEELINGS of SHAME I´m afraid, on what should be a happy holiday. Proud in one sense, but SHAME in another. Mixed feelings!
A) Big Independence Day bash in Belize for the 30th Independence Day, parades and all that.
B) Then the first politician to actually create Belize as an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY died at 92, just before Independence Day. We had a BIG STATE Funeral roughly the same time. Marching military, military band, formal casket carried in STATE by hearse. Crowds along the streets sides to pay respects to the founding father of the nation. 21 brass cannon ( small ones ) salute. Fly Over by our only single military aircraft. Pomp and circumstance! The two political party enemies unified over the STATE FUNERAL, which was amazing to everyone in the nation. Unheard of, from bitter enemies, or political pirate bands at continuous war. Pleased everyone!
C) In reflection, in thirty years, Belize went from about 65,000 population 30 years ago, to 350,000 population today. Lot more infra-structure. There are about 70,000 adults working in the country maintaining everything. MOST of them work for the government. We don´t have that much in human resources.
The thing that got me, is that in 30 years we have not broken our nation´s SLAVERY CYCLE. ALL the FOREIGN EXCHANGE our government gets, is harvested by foreign lenders each year. There is NONE left over for local business people. Our cash reserves are so small, as to be a big joke.
In 30 years, we have not been able to find a single political leader that can cut the gordian knot, of SLAVERY by our government and people, to paying foreign lenders, INTEREST and PRINCIPAL with our scarce foreign exchange. We have not been able to keep any meaningful amount in SAVINGS, or FOREIGN RESERVES. While infamous GREECE of the EU might have a Debt to GDP ratio, of 200%. We in Belize are not so bad, but still over 100% Debt to GDP. When it comes to money handling, there isn´t a single person willing to turn politician, CAPABLE of finding a solution to our 30 year DEBT CRISIS. That bit of knowledge fills me with sadness on our 30th anniversary of political independence, as we continue to live as a nation in PERPETUAL SLAVERY to FOREIGN LENDERS. ( What was that old country and western song. "I owe my soul to the company store! " ) That should be our REAL national anthem. SAD FEELINGS of SHAME I´m afraid, on what should be a happy holiday. Proud in one sense, but SHAME in another. Mixed feelings!

Contributed knowledge commentary ( historical )
I've seen studies done, feasibility studies, that indicate not only that it would grow, thrive, and fruit but that there was a market for it, guaranteed and in writing. Unfortunately, at that time, the investor was sorta making demands given the feasibility studies he paid for, and the markets he had procure guarantees for. He/they wanted something like a thousand acres of government/lease lands free in return for employment of x number of Belizean workers. And forget foreign exchange, he/they wanted written rights to repatriate all investment, all flows, and at a minimum all profits. Sometimes investors get a little too carried away, way too early. Baby steps. Baby steps. But some people are literally too obnoxious and that turned decision makers off, unfortunately.
I still think Shittake Mushrooms would make a great export crop given market conditions, and then growing conditions second here in Belize. But, I don't hold any govt appointed post to implement investment programs like this that would have to clear a lot of political territorial hurdles among elected representatives who think they are demi-Gods.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
PRODUCING HEIRLOOM SEEDS IN BELIZE - sustainable crop agriculture in Belize.

Dr. Mandy Tsang MBChB, DRCOG who has a farm in Belize is already pioneering the making of HEIRLOOM SEEDS in Belize on her farm in the Toledo District. Heirloom seeds is where you take local plants and select the best seeds from the best plants that you are growing with local seeds. Heirloom seeds ensure that you will NEVER have to rely on imported seeds. Particularly GMO seeds or imported hybrids that only run true for one or two plantings. GMO is worse, they are genetically altered each year, due to pest resistance to the gene changes made in them. Or weeds that learn to overcome the GMO seeds.
You can do this with many sorts of crops. For talking purposes we will deal with corn seeds. Depending on the size of your corn crop, you would pick the best ears of corn, from what you grow. The ears should look good and be pleasing to the eye. On a small scale, you pick say 100 ears of your best corn. By elimination, you sort these and get the best 10 that look good. The next step is to select for germination. Pick from the ear after pealing, the best looking seeds in the center of the ear. You need about 20 of the best seeds of corn. You seperate your corn seeds so selected by each plant. You then plant some test rows of these seeds and see which ones germinate the fastest and best.
What you are looking for are the sturdiest plants, the corn plants with the most ears, with the smallest proportion of leaves and stalks. Then after identifying your best plants you eliminate the rest of them. At harvest time you cut and cure all the stalks with the largest number of ears, from the BEST ROW. You do this for each row, or test plot.
For germination, the test can be done with wet paper towel. What you are looking for is rapid sprouting, uniformity. Anything that suggests a weakness or problem you discard. It takes roughly 5 generations to get a special crop of seeds for planting, that are superior than the imported GMO, or hybrid imports. The local seeds so selected take about 3 years, of two crops a year to make sufficient HEIRLOOM SEEDS for regular planting. HEIRLOOM seeds are superior to any type of import. They are adapted already to the soils, the climate and seasons of the year. You will get superior yields on a regular basis without the problems of imported seeds. There is even a market for packaged HEIRLOOM SEEDS PRODUCED IN BELIZE, for Belizean conditions. Some people have already done this and are doing this on a smaller scale of farming. You will be amazed how HEIRLOOM seeds, your very own will improve your crop yields and deal with weeds and insects in our own environment.

Can you grow mushrooms in Belize? The answer is yes. Be sure you have your market lined up first. Like Papaya grown in Belize, mushrooms are a daily and regular activity.
Some highlights on growing mushrooms for export. In the U.K. there are 288 mushroom farms. In the USA, or Canada, ( dont know? )
Mushrooms in the U.K. earn about 200 million pounds ( British money ) a year. The small individual farmer rarely grosses less than 100,000 pounds sterling a year. Harvesting is a 7 day a week job. A big USA California operation, employs 350 people. The crop taking about 85 days. Picking and packing mushrooms is labor intensive. Ideal for Belize ( theoretically, if you could get Belize City cry babies to leave the city and work on a mushroom farm operation. )
Here is one commercial business in Ventura, California.
Since mushrooms are a favorite, not to mention indispensable, part of cooking, we though it would be interesting to explore how the tasty fungi are grown. After all, the subject is somewhat mysterious -- most living organisms don't prefer to grow in complete darkness.
Greg Tuttle, a grower at the Pictsweet Mushroom Farm in Ventura, California took us on a tour that took most of the mystery away, but the truth was no less fascinating than the myths.
Pictsweet runs a huge operation in Ventura, picking between 50,000 - 60,000 pounds of mushrooms per day. Even more amazing is the fact that each and every one of these mushrooms is picked by hand by one of the farm's 350 plus employees.
The Ventura Pictsweet facility services most of Southern California, including Los Angeles and San Diego as well as parts of Nevada, including Las Vegas. That's a lot of mushrooms!
how mushrooms are grown, portobello mushrooms how mushrooms are grown, portobello mushrooms
The entire process of growing a crop of mushrooms takes eighty-five days. Covering the sprawling grounds are 87 "Mushroom Houses," like the ones in the picture at upper left. Each of the houses contain 63,000 square feet of growing space and produces a combination of regular white button mushrooms as well as giant Portobellos. It's an extremely efficient system with growing beds stacked inside the houses like bunk beds in a dormitory. Each house will produce between 50,000 - 60,000 pounds of mushrooms per crop -- so one house is picked per day. There's a constant rotation of the facilities going on, 365 days a year!
Upon walking onto the Pictsweet grounds, visitors receive an olfactory greeting that emanates from the huge steaming rows of compost (pictured upper right) which take up the space between the mushroom houses. Efficiency and recycling is the theme throughout the mushroom growing experience and the compost piles are no exception. This facility is one of the largest users of "green waste" in the state, as the compost is comprised of recycled wood chips from wall board manufacturing as well as organic waste from two of the Southland's top race tracks: Santa Anita and Hollywood Park.
It takes three weeks for the compost to be ready for growing. Huge machines form the mixture into neat rows, which the same machine turns daily in order to mix the compost. I mentioned earlier that the compost piles were not only fragrant, but steaming. This is because they produce a natural heat. If you dug 12 inches or so into any pile, it would be too hot to touch! (Not that you'd want to.)
how mushrooms are grown, portobello mushrooms how mushrooms are grown, portobello mushrooms mushroom recipes, portobella mushrooms
After a mushroom house has been thoroughly cleaned from its previous crop, the readied compost is brought in. It will take seven tractor loads of compost, or 325 cubic yards, to fill a single mushroom house. Once in place, steam will be used to heat the compost to 140°F. (photo above left). After this magic number is reached, the compost will be slowly cooled over a period of ten days. This process will sterilize the growing medium by killing any competing bacteria.
Millet seeds are then sterilized before being inoculated with mushroom spores. After planting, the growing beds are blanketed with plastic covering and left in darkness. The seeds will be completely white in 15 or 16 days (center photo above). At this point the plastic covering will be removed and replaced with a "sponge" made of peat moss and sugar beet lime (there comes that recycling again).
Soon after mycellium threads, like the ones in the photo above right, begin to form. This flowing stage is known as "pinning" in the mushroom biz.
mushroom recipes, portobella mushrooms mushroom recipes, portobella mushrooms
Once the pinning process begins the mushrooms will double in size every twenty-four hours! Now you know where the phrase "growing like mushrooms" comes from. Needless to say, once the harvest starts, the 'shrooms require daily picking. Portobellos often need three to four pickings per day. Be thankful your kids don't grow that fast! The photos above show Portobellos on the left and button mushrooms on the right.
Once picked, the mushrooms are processed, packaged and held at lower temperatures to preserve freshness. Once again, we found ourselves impressed with the efficiency of the Pictsweet plant as Greg explained that the mushrooms are trucked out so quickly, they often arrive at Southern California supermarkets on the same day they were harvested.
There are lots of natural growing mushrooms in Belize, but you probably would want a recognized variety that is sold by supermarket chains in North America and Europe.
Contributed comment: Unfortunately growing Portobello or Button mushrooms in Belize would be a rather costly enterprise as they require quite low temperature to thrive and fruit (62-72F). With the energy as expensive as it is here just the cost of cooling the facility would very likely eat any profit. Much better choice would be something like Oyster, Shitake or Straw mushrooms which can grow under ambient temperature in Belize.
*** We have lots of native mushrooms. What would be a marketable local climate adapted type?
University of Belize theoretical physics department on government
( contributed essay )
University of Belize researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, Governmentium (symbol=Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called pillocks.
Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.
A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration.
This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical morass. When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many pillocks but twice as many morons.
( contributed essay )
University of Belize researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, Governmentium (symbol=Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called pillocks.
Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.
A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration.
This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical morass. When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many pillocks but twice as many morons.
Belize, escalating unused land tax program.
I remember when large landowners who did not use their land, had to pay an annual escalating tax, each year, if they did not use their land. At the time, it worked very well, to break up large landholdings that had gone back to forest. Owners often chose to pay their land tax with parcels of land. Haven´t heard about that government program for a couple of decades. What happened with it? Is it still on the books?
I remember when large landowners who did not use their land, had to pay an annual escalating tax, each year, if they did not use their land. At the time, it worked very well, to break up large landholdings that had gone back to forest. Owners often chose to pay their land tax with parcels of land. Haven´t heard about that government program for a couple of decades. What happened with it? Is it still on the books?
Monday, September 26, 2011
How about a film industry?
Nollywood pulls in the dollars
Besides football, literary icons like Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka and, of course, the late musical megastar Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, there is no question that Nigerian movies have become one of the country’s top cultural exports, bringing in $250m per annum. Directly and indirectly, the industry employs 100,000 people, having grown from nothing 13 years ago. Osasu Obayiuwana provides this illustrated report from Nigeria, with pictures of some of Nollywood’s superstars.
During a visit to the South American country of Belize, whilst the managing director of the World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala would have assumed that anyone coming up to her was intending to engage her on the global economic climate and its effect on growth in the developing world.
But no. “People stopped me on the street and said, ‘Are you Nigerian? We love your movies’,” Okonjo-Iweala revealed recently. With a reputed turnover of 40 film productions a week and reported sales of $250m per annum, the Nigerian film industry, with very little encouragement from the government, has become one of the country’s main non-oil foreign exchange earners.
“They employ our young people, so it is perfect. The appeal is worldwide. Where you have people of African descent they love this stuff,” Okonjo-Iweala observed. “The thing is not [for the government] to interfere – it has grown on its own. To help it improve, two things are needed. Improvement in quality – that takes building capacity and having access to finance. Second is intellectual property. We need to regulate this, because part of the problem is they are not realising value because things are copied (pirated).”
Now that Okonjo-Iweala has returned to Nigeria, at the behest of President Goodluck Jonathan, to again take up the job of finance minister (which she also held under President Olusegun Obasanjo), the creative industry expects to get real and meaningful support from her office. Okonjo-Iweala is also in full charge of the economic management team, which has caused many to give her the unofficial title of “Prime Minister”.
How about a film industry?
Nollywood pulls in the dollars
Besides football, literary icons like Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka and, of course, the late musical megastar Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, there is no question that Nigerian movies have become one of the country’s top cultural exports, bringing in $250m per annum. Directly and indirectly, the industry employs 100,000 people, having grown from nothing 13 years ago. Osasu Obayiuwana provides this illustrated report from Nigeria, with pictures of some of Nollywood’s superstars.
During a visit to the South American country of Belize, whilst the managing director of the World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala would have assumed that anyone coming up to her was intending to engage her on the global economic climate and its effect on growth in the developing world.
But no. “People stopped me on the street and said, ‘Are you Nigerian? We love your movies’,” Okonjo-Iweala revealed recently. With a reputed turnover of 40 film productions a week and reported sales of $250m per annum, the Nigerian film industry, with very little encouragement from the government, has become one of the country’s main non-oil foreign exchange earners.
“They employ our young people, so it is perfect. The appeal is worldwide. Where you have people of African descent they love this stuff,” Okonjo-Iweala observed. “The thing is not [for the government] to interfere – it has grown on its own. To help it improve, two things are needed. Improvement in quality – that takes building capacity and having access to finance. Second is intellectual property. We need to regulate this, because part of the problem is they are not realising value because things are copied (pirated).”
Now that Okonjo-Iweala has returned to Nigeria, at the behest of President Goodluck Jonathan, to again take up the job of finance minister (which she also held under President Olusegun Obasanjo), the creative industry expects to get real and meaningful support from her office. Okonjo-Iweala is also in full charge of the economic management team, which has caused many to give her the unofficial title of “Prime Minister”.

I like reading Bill Lindo´s piece in the Amandala.
Bill, the fears you express, the doom and gloom of world economic collapse, the EU troubles, are all interesting stuff. Unfortunately, in my opinion you are 2.5 years too late. It already happened, while you were sleeping! It´s over! Now we are in the re-adjustment phase, which will probably run 3 to 5 years until 2016, before the next big BULL MARKET.
If you want to understand what is happening in the world economy, take a look at the DOW records going back a 150 years or more. I´m sure you can find someplace on the internet, the record of every Depression, recession, civil war, the Crimean War, World War 1, World War 2, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Vietnam War, Cambodia, etc. All these by year and over graphed on the DOW, or stock market record of world economic activity, by the WORLD, or even by individual countries. It is an eye opener.
Capitalism as an economic system is ruthless. It is the duty of politicians through taxes to re-distribute the money taken from capitalists, to the needy poor. Capitalism itself is a money orientated industry, which is measured by your profit in hand, usually at the end of the year. You need a measuring stick and money is that stick. The ability to distribute wealth is left to the responsibility of politicians, through tax distribution. The UDP maximum leader says he is doing that.
In my view, the WORST is already over. There is still going to be a lot blood in the streets, until the next boom cycle gets started. Capitalism is a self correcting system. An entrepreneur identifies a NEED, a DEMAND and then builds a business to fill that need. When that need is done, whether by competition, or overproduction bigger than the demand, or changing technology, then corporations die. Something else takes the place.
Unfortunately in a world of changing technologies, the death of corporations is happening at a faster rate. People no longer can commit themselves to working as an employed person, hoping for that UNION PENSION at age 65. Most corporations have to compete and employees that reach 50 are soon dumped, because of age, cost cut studies, or changing technology.
Lets talk about this as it effects SMALL BELIZE. Belize weathered the past depression very well, compared to many EU countries, or even the USA. Part of this was Said Musa´s 5 year austerity, which cost his party the election. Part of it is because DEAN BARROW has been concentrating on infra-structure. There is nothing immoral about capitalism. It is what it is, nothing more, nor anything less. It is SUPPLY and DEMAND at work. What is happening now is the possibility of a double dip recession. This will not be the end of the USA, nor of Belize. The world wants everything we can produce. The population of the world keeps growing. As long as this is so, the opportunities for Belize are endless. WE CAN COMPETE in niche markets. I have markets lined up right now for chocolate candy exported from Belize, also for hammocks. My entrepreneurial problems are the cost of importing the materials I need to do so. The inconvenience of dealing with the customs and brokers to do it. Personally, I have a Financial Business going and it is just taking off, after two years of trial and error learning. I have to decide where to put my energies, as my goal is to stay small. My needs are minimal. To each his own goals.
There is a point to this. SELF SUFFICIENCY is the goal for Belizeans. Not only at the NATIONAL LEVEL, but at the worker bee level. It is a FOOLISH Belizean that expects to work at the same job for 30 to 50 years and retire on a pension. The world is not like that any more. Maybe once at the end of the 1800´s. Not now though. The employee aspirant needs to use a job, a salary to acquire his business and skills to run that business. A young person needs time to learn hard business lessons in the cruel market place. Trial and error is the name of the education system. You use a job and salary to provide the bread and butter cash flow, to build your idea of your own business. Once you learn the lessons the hard way, you can repeat business building, over and over again, changing with the SUPPLY AND DEMAND aspects of capitalism.
The global system will not collapse. It already has done so. What we have is a changing set of dynamics on the world scene. China and the USA are competing for the biggest world economy. Russia will always be second rate, because of it´s political system of KGB rule and corruption along with being a basic raw commodity exporter. India can be big, but will always be second rate. Because it is so corrupt. The EU will probably stay together, as it is a function of prevention of war, with which they have much experience and because of economies of size for their markets. You find EU countries with chain stores ALL THROUGH LATIN AMERICA today. They own huge tracts of land in South America growing food. GREECE will always be a problem. The EU is basically just industrialized FRANCE and GERMANY carrying the load.
Belize is tied to the USA dollar, and it doesn´t matter if the dollar goes up or down. Our biggest trading partner is the USA. Most of the Chinese produced goods we import come through the USA, because the US market can order large quantities at discounts we cannot in Belize.
Belize right now has an economy, built on several legs. There is oil, lobster and fish, sugar, bananas, citrus, other agriculture products and the newest leg that has developed magnificently over the past year is GRANT supported infra-structure growth. Meaning, all our tax revenues go to pay for debt, government, politicians, and such things. GRANTS are paying for ALL OUR INFRA-STRUCTURE if you read the newspaper announcements over the past year. If anything, we need to expand this leg of our economy done by the GRANT WRITING DEPARTMENT. This has become a mainstay of our GDP growth, expected to top out over 3% by end of calendar year.
If anything, education changes are the basic need. We need community colleges that teach how to build things with lathes and other small scale industrial machinery. The internet has opened up markets for us in Belize in so many world fields it is surprising youngsters are not doing more. I can see why, when Dean Barrow recently said only 14% of households even have the internet. That is definitely a drawback. Nope! Things are going to be slow growth for a few years more, but in five years I look for boom times in Belize, if we can lick the problems of the internet revolution, electricity and educational changes in practical teaching. Getting away from this cheaper academic orientated stuff, producing salaried civil servants.

What I would love to see on local TV.
You know in the military or police, they want you from 18 to 45 years of age. You are supposed to stay in physical shape and pass an annual exam by a doctor and a field test for running and pack carrying. After age 45 years, you are considered too old physically for the rigors of the work.
In Belize the marching pace is considered to be 120 paces per minute. You are supposed to march 4 miles an hour. There are alternates to this, in which you jog a bit and walk a bit.
When I look at Brigadier General Dario Tapia I see a fat man. Fat men can be deceptive, the fat might just be hidden muscle. Singh our police CEO once lamented about all the belt busting policemen he had on the force, who had to get in shape, or quit the force. I wonder what happened with that?
The good Brigadier has to be able to walk 4 miles in one hour. He should therefore walk one mile in 15 minutes. Which means he could conceivably jog one mile in 9 minutes.
I´d love a public TV SHOW in which all these fat looking guys in the POLICE and Defence Force had to cover a four mile stretch on their annual physical together in 40 minutes. I think that would be very amusing and entertaining. Not to say, enlightening and useful to the improvement of the moral and stature of the two military types we pay salaries too.
HOW ABOUT IT GUYS? A RACE between the police and the BDF fat guys for your annual physical.
GMO seeds proved disastrous to USA agriculture economy.
Super Weeds Pose Growing Threat to U.S. Crops
by Carey Gillam
PAOLA, Kansas - Farmer Mark Nelson bends down and yanks a four-foot-tall weed from his northeast Kansas soybean field. The "waterhemp" towers above his beans, sucking up the soil moisture and nutrients his beans need to grow well and reducing the ultimate yield. As he crumples the flowering end of the weed in his hand, Nelson grimaces.
"We are at a disturbing juncture," said Margaret Mellon, director of the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "The use of toxic chemicals in agriculture is skyrocketing. This is not the path to sustainability." "When we harvest this field, these waterhemp seeds will spread all over kingdom come," he said.
Nelson's struggle to control crop-choking weeds is being repeated all over America's farmland. An estimated 11 million acres are infested with "super weeds," some of which grow several inches in a day and defy even multiple dousings of the world's top-selling herbicide, Roundup, whose active ingredient is glyphosate.
The problem's gradual emergence has masked its growing menace. Now, however, it is becoming too big to ignore. The super weeds boost costs and cut crop yields for U.S. farmers starting their fall harvest this month. And their use of more herbicides to fight the weeds is sparking environmental concerns.
With food prices near record highs and a growing population straining global grain supplies, the world cannot afford diminished crop production, nor added environmental problems.
"I'm convinced that this is a big problem," said Dave Mortensen, professor of weed and applied plant ecology at Penn State University, who has been helping lobby members of Congress about the implications of weed resistance.
"Most of the public doesn't know because the industry is calling the shots on how this should be spun," Mortensen said.
Last month, representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture and the Weed Science Society of America toured the Midwest crop belt to see for themselves the impact of rising weed resistance.
"It is only going to get worse," said Lee Van Wychen, director of science policy at the Weed Science Society of America.
At the heart of the matter is Monsanto Co, the world's biggest seed company and the maker of Roundup. Monsanto has made billions of dollars and revolutionized row crop agriculture through sales of Roundup and "Roundup Ready" crops genetically modified to tolerate treatment with Roundup.
The Roundup Ready system has helped farmers grow more corn, soybeans, cotton and other crops while reducing detrimental soil tillage practices, killing weeds easily and cheaply.
But the system has also encouraged farmers to alter time-honored crop rotation practices and the mix of herbicides that previously had kept weeds in check.
And now, farmers are finding that rampant weed resistance is setting them back - making it harder to keep growing corn year in and year out, even when rotating it occasionally with soybeans. Farmers also have to change their mix and volume of chemicals, making farming more costly.
For Monsanto, it spells a threat to the company's market strength as rivals smell an opportunity and are racing to introduce alternatives for Roundup and Roundup Ready seeds.
"You've kind of been in a Roundup Ready era," said Tom Wiltrout, a global strategy leader at Dow AgroSciences, which is introducing an herbicide and seed system called Enlist as an alternative to Roundup.
"This just allows us to candidly get out from the Monsanto story," he said.
Gilford Securities analyst Paul Christopherson last month reiterated a "sell" recommendation on Monsanto's shares, citing Monsanto's "overdependence" on glyphosate and Roundup Ready crops, calling glyphosate resistance by weeds a "big and growing phenomenon."
Monsanto officials say they are asking farmers to use different types of herbicides to fight weeds, but insist that Roundup remains effective for the majority of U.S. farmers.
Still, company spokesman Tom Helscher said weed resistance was a "wake-up call for all U.S. farmers."
"We have a shared responsibility and we're committed to working with farmers to take the steps necessary to insure that glyphosate continues to be an effective weed control tool for many years to come," Helscher said in a statement.
To fight superweeds, farmers are using stronger dousings of glyphosate as well as other harsh chemicals that have sparked concern among environmental and public health groups.
Nelson, for example, has been a fan of Roundup since Monsanto introduced Roundup Ready soybeans and corn in the 1990s. For years he needed no other herbicides for his 2,000 acres, marveling at how easily Roundup wiped out weeds. He often did not even use the full concentration recommended.
Now Nelson uses several pesticides and sprays his fields multiple times to try to control waterhemp, which can grow eight-feet tall and can be toxic to livestock.
He uses the maximum amount of Roundup along with other herbicides including one known as 2,4-D, which some scientific organizations have deemed a cancer risk.
"Just spraying Roundup was so easy," he said. "There is no ease anymore."
In Ohio, the nightmare weed for farmer John Davis is "marestail," an annual weed that grows well in key crop-growing areas of the U.S. Midwest and which is resistant to glyphosate and other herbicides.
"I see marestail in my sleep," said Davis, president of the Ohio Corn Growers organization. "I have spent a significant amount of dollars trying to control marestail until I realized I was not going to control marestail."
Davis calls the weed resistance problem a "major economic blow" to his farming operation.
Some farmers have resorted to hiring crews to weed fields by hand, and some are returning to tilling their fields, a practice that contributes to soil erosion.
"We are at a disturbing juncture," said Margaret Mellon, director of the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "The use of toxic chemicals in agriculture is skyrocketing. This is not the path to sustainability."
Penn State's Mortensen said farmer efforts to control resistant weeds are estimated to cost nearly $1 billion a year and result in a 70 percent increase in pesticide use by 2015.
Since Monsanto introduced its glyphosate-resistant crops, 21 weed species have evolved to resist the herbicide, up from none in 1995. The list is growing by one to two species per year, Mortensen said.
Farmers and crop experts say that when superweeds take root in farm fields, yield reductions of 1-2 bushels an acre are common, even with extra pesticide doses.
With soybeans at more than $14 a bushel, a 1,000-acre farm might lose more than $20,000 to weeds on top of the costs of the added pesticides.
Then there are the environmental woes. A U.S. government study released last month gave evidence that glyphosate is also polluting the air and waterways. The chemical was found in waterways through Mississippi and Iowa, according to the report issued in August by the U.S. Geological Survey Office, a part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The USGS said more than 88,0000 tons of glyphosate was used in 2007, up from 11,000 tons in 1992.
"This is a big problem that actually does threaten the ability of nations to feed their people. it needs a fair amount of research and studies dedicated to it," said Iowa agronomist Bob Streit.
Streit is among a group of scientists who believe glyphosate is actually harming the plants it is supposed to protect by tying up nutrients in the soil the plants need. The group has lobbied regulators to rein in use of glyphosate.
The Environmental Protection Agency has started a review of the safety and efficacy of glyphosate and is considering the arguments of critics and the findings of the USGS study.
"EPA considers all relevant information in its review," said an EPA spokesperson. "We will be evaluating it as part of the glyphosate review."
EPA plans to propose a decision in 2014 and issue a final registration review decision for glyphosate in 2015.
For Monsanto, the weed resistance problem is more significant than the recent concerns raised about possible insect resistance developing to Monsanto's corn seed, said Gabelli & Co analyst Amon Wilkes.
Wilkes remains bullish on Monsanto's prospects. While he sees competition to Roundup as a "potential problem," he noted the company has been moving to introduce new products.
"You always have to be continually innovating. Monsanto is doing that."
Monsanto insists that the Roundup Ready crops and herbicide system "has long-term value" and that any rivals will also run the risk of triggering weed resistance.
"The benefits of glyphosate-tolerant crops have been real for farmers and the environment," said Monsanto's Helscher.
© 2011 Reuters
Super Weeds Pose Growing Threat to U.S. Crops
by Carey Gillam
PAOLA, Kansas - Farmer Mark Nelson bends down and yanks a four-foot-tall weed from his northeast Kansas soybean field. The "waterhemp" towers above his beans, sucking up the soil moisture and nutrients his beans need to grow well and reducing the ultimate yield. As he crumples the flowering end of the weed in his hand, Nelson grimaces.
"We are at a disturbing juncture," said Margaret Mellon, director of the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "The use of toxic chemicals in agriculture is skyrocketing. This is not the path to sustainability." "When we harvest this field, these waterhemp seeds will spread all over kingdom come," he said.
Nelson's struggle to control crop-choking weeds is being repeated all over America's farmland. An estimated 11 million acres are infested with "super weeds," some of which grow several inches in a day and defy even multiple dousings of the world's top-selling herbicide, Roundup, whose active ingredient is glyphosate.
The problem's gradual emergence has masked its growing menace. Now, however, it is becoming too big to ignore. The super weeds boost costs and cut crop yields for U.S. farmers starting their fall harvest this month. And their use of more herbicides to fight the weeds is sparking environmental concerns.
With food prices near record highs and a growing population straining global grain supplies, the world cannot afford diminished crop production, nor added environmental problems.
"I'm convinced that this is a big problem," said Dave Mortensen, professor of weed and applied plant ecology at Penn State University, who has been helping lobby members of Congress about the implications of weed resistance.
"Most of the public doesn't know because the industry is calling the shots on how this should be spun," Mortensen said.
Last month, representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture and the Weed Science Society of America toured the Midwest crop belt to see for themselves the impact of rising weed resistance.
"It is only going to get worse," said Lee Van Wychen, director of science policy at the Weed Science Society of America.
At the heart of the matter is Monsanto Co, the world's biggest seed company and the maker of Roundup. Monsanto has made billions of dollars and revolutionized row crop agriculture through sales of Roundup and "Roundup Ready" crops genetically modified to tolerate treatment with Roundup.
The Roundup Ready system has helped farmers grow more corn, soybeans, cotton and other crops while reducing detrimental soil tillage practices, killing weeds easily and cheaply.
But the system has also encouraged farmers to alter time-honored crop rotation practices and the mix of herbicides that previously had kept weeds in check.
And now, farmers are finding that rampant weed resistance is setting them back - making it harder to keep growing corn year in and year out, even when rotating it occasionally with soybeans. Farmers also have to change their mix and volume of chemicals, making farming more costly.
For Monsanto, it spells a threat to the company's market strength as rivals smell an opportunity and are racing to introduce alternatives for Roundup and Roundup Ready seeds.
"You've kind of been in a Roundup Ready era," said Tom Wiltrout, a global strategy leader at Dow AgroSciences, which is introducing an herbicide and seed system called Enlist as an alternative to Roundup.
"This just allows us to candidly get out from the Monsanto story," he said.
Gilford Securities analyst Paul Christopherson last month reiterated a "sell" recommendation on Monsanto's shares, citing Monsanto's "overdependence" on glyphosate and Roundup Ready crops, calling glyphosate resistance by weeds a "big and growing phenomenon."
Monsanto officials say they are asking farmers to use different types of herbicides to fight weeds, but insist that Roundup remains effective for the majority of U.S. farmers.
Still, company spokesman Tom Helscher said weed resistance was a "wake-up call for all U.S. farmers."
"We have a shared responsibility and we're committed to working with farmers to take the steps necessary to insure that glyphosate continues to be an effective weed control tool for many years to come," Helscher said in a statement.
To fight superweeds, farmers are using stronger dousings of glyphosate as well as other harsh chemicals that have sparked concern among environmental and public health groups.
Nelson, for example, has been a fan of Roundup since Monsanto introduced Roundup Ready soybeans and corn in the 1990s. For years he needed no other herbicides for his 2,000 acres, marveling at how easily Roundup wiped out weeds. He often did not even use the full concentration recommended.
Now Nelson uses several pesticides and sprays his fields multiple times to try to control waterhemp, which can grow eight-feet tall and can be toxic to livestock.
He uses the maximum amount of Roundup along with other herbicides including one known as 2,4-D, which some scientific organizations have deemed a cancer risk.
"Just spraying Roundup was so easy," he said. "There is no ease anymore."
In Ohio, the nightmare weed for farmer John Davis is "marestail," an annual weed that grows well in key crop-growing areas of the U.S. Midwest and which is resistant to glyphosate and other herbicides.
"I see marestail in my sleep," said Davis, president of the Ohio Corn Growers organization. "I have spent a significant amount of dollars trying to control marestail until I realized I was not going to control marestail."
Davis calls the weed resistance problem a "major economic blow" to his farming operation.
Some farmers have resorted to hiring crews to weed fields by hand, and some are returning to tilling their fields, a practice that contributes to soil erosion.
"We are at a disturbing juncture," said Margaret Mellon, director of the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "The use of toxic chemicals in agriculture is skyrocketing. This is not the path to sustainability."
Penn State's Mortensen said farmer efforts to control resistant weeds are estimated to cost nearly $1 billion a year and result in a 70 percent increase in pesticide use by 2015.
Since Monsanto introduced its glyphosate-resistant crops, 21 weed species have evolved to resist the herbicide, up from none in 1995. The list is growing by one to two species per year, Mortensen said.
Farmers and crop experts say that when superweeds take root in farm fields, yield reductions of 1-2 bushels an acre are common, even with extra pesticide doses.
With soybeans at more than $14 a bushel, a 1,000-acre farm might lose more than $20,000 to weeds on top of the costs of the added pesticides.
Then there are the environmental woes. A U.S. government study released last month gave evidence that glyphosate is also polluting the air and waterways. The chemical was found in waterways through Mississippi and Iowa, according to the report issued in August by the U.S. Geological Survey Office, a part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The USGS said more than 88,0000 tons of glyphosate was used in 2007, up from 11,000 tons in 1992.
"This is a big problem that actually does threaten the ability of nations to feed their people. it needs a fair amount of research and studies dedicated to it," said Iowa agronomist Bob Streit.
Streit is among a group of scientists who believe glyphosate is actually harming the plants it is supposed to protect by tying up nutrients in the soil the plants need. The group has lobbied regulators to rein in use of glyphosate.
The Environmental Protection Agency has started a review of the safety and efficacy of glyphosate and is considering the arguments of critics and the findings of the USGS study.
"EPA considers all relevant information in its review," said an EPA spokesperson. "We will be evaluating it as part of the glyphosate review."
EPA plans to propose a decision in 2014 and issue a final registration review decision for glyphosate in 2015.
For Monsanto, the weed resistance problem is more significant than the recent concerns raised about possible insect resistance developing to Monsanto's corn seed, said Gabelli & Co analyst Amon Wilkes.
Wilkes remains bullish on Monsanto's prospects. While he sees competition to Roundup as a "potential problem," he noted the company has been moving to introduce new products.
"You always have to be continually innovating. Monsanto is doing that."
Monsanto insists that the Roundup Ready crops and herbicide system "has long-term value" and that any rivals will also run the risk of triggering weed resistance.
"The benefits of glyphosate-tolerant crops have been real for farmers and the environment," said Monsanto's Helscher.
© 2011 Reuters
*** Belize police patrol forbidding Belizeans to raise Independence Day flag on border land, fenced by Guatemala professional agitator. Foreign ministry got their signals crossed here, or not paying attention to Belizean affairs?
Guatemalan, Leonel Arellanos, who caused all the fuss because he put a bodega on the Belize Adjacency zone, inside Belize ( it was eventually removed ) is still causing trouble and neither the Government of Belize, or the Foreign Office, are doing anything about his most recent encroachments. Apparently, according to photographs from the PNP of Toledo, the man is incorrigble with the encouragement of our government policy, or lack thereof. The PNP took photographs of land cleared in Belize by this border squatting Guatemalan, and to rub salt in the wound show that he has fenced off pasture in Belize, claiming OUR LAND as his own.
You could find all kinds of excuses for this. The Foreign Office do not want a newspaper squabble in Guatemala City, so are instructing local Belizeans to abandon the area. What brought it to a head, was the PNP went on Independence Day to raise the FLAG of BELIZE on the border, but were chased away by OUR OWN MILITARY and POLICE PATROLS off our own land. Preference given to this Guatemalan agitator. What nonsense is that? Is this a FREE COUNTRY or not? Belizeans can go there if they want. So why are the BDF not tearing down the fence? So why are the government not taking pot smokers out of jail, giving them work, and having them install a cement post fence line along that section of the border? LACK OF LEADERSHIP HERE! Seems if it is not the port of Belize City the rest of the country does not count for the political party gangs?
Photos and article are in the weekend Amandala newspaper of Sunday Sept. 25th, 2011.

Guatemalan, Leonel Arellanos, who caused all the fuss because he put a bodega on the Belize Adjacency zone, inside Belize ( it was eventually removed ) is still causing trouble and neither the Government of Belize, or the Foreign Office, are doing anything about his most recent encroachments. Apparently, according to photographs from the PNP of Toledo, the man is incorrigble with the encouragement of our government policy, or lack thereof. The PNP took photographs of land cleared in Belize by this border squatting Guatemalan, and to rub salt in the wound show that he has fenced off pasture in Belize, claiming OUR LAND as his own.
You could find all kinds of excuses for this. The Foreign Office do not want a newspaper squabble in Guatemala City, so are instructing local Belizeans to abandon the area. What brought it to a head, was the PNP went on Independence Day to raise the FLAG of BELIZE on the border, but were chased away by OUR OWN MILITARY and POLICE PATROLS off our own land. Preference given to this Guatemalan agitator. What nonsense is that? Is this a FREE COUNTRY or not? Belizeans can go there if they want. So why are the BDF not tearing down the fence? So why are the government not taking pot smokers out of jail, giving them work, and having them install a cement post fence line along that section of the border? LACK OF LEADERSHIP HERE! Seems if it is not the port of Belize City the rest of the country does not count for the political party gangs?
Photos and article are in the weekend Amandala newspaper of Sunday Sept. 25th, 2011.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Native Belize Legume superior nitrogen fixer in soil.

According to an article in the Agriculture Report by Maruja Vargas, this is one of the top nitrogen fixers for agriculture in Belize and is native to our area.
The tree is pest resistant and acclimatized over centuries. It likes the dry season but is susceptible to water logging if the rains last more than 3 weeks. Known locally as a superior ruminant forage for cattle and goats. It has many, many local uses. Of interest to cattle ranchers, it has the highest quality feed of any tropical legume and the potential to make the MOST WEIGHT GAIN on cattle. Normal browsing will put on 300 kg of weight on cattle with this ruminant. If you irrigate and grow the legume, cattle can add 1000 kg of weight it is said. If you harvest the legume, you can get 20 tonnes in 3 months. Intercropping is the normal application, with ordinary grass. Usually five yards apart alternatively.
Very good article on this native legume in Belize Agriculture Report, Sept-Oct, 2011 issue number 13.
Belize black Garifuna search for roots in Africa and find it.
The name of the country of Belize, according to our coastal population of African descended Garifuna has been traced to the CONGO in the Cabinda Province. The chief town which is a seaport on the right bank of the Lulondo River, during the SLAVE TRADE days. Belize is located at the source of one of the interior tributaries. Another location for a BELIZE was North of the Zaire River in Africa.
Very interesting research as descendants of black Africans search for their roots on the African continent.
The name of the country of Belize, according to our coastal population of African descended Garifuna has been traced to the CONGO in the Cabinda Province. The chief town which is a seaport on the right bank of the Lulondo River, during the SLAVE TRADE days. Belize is located at the source of one of the interior tributaries. Another location for a BELIZE was North of the Zaire River in Africa.
Very interesting research as descendants of black Africans search for their roots on the African continent.

Adele Trapp quotes Senator Hulse on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW still on the books, from the era of PUP MONOPOLIES. This particular reference, in the Amandala article this week, was to the fact that anybody OUTSIDE of membership in a sugar cane growing ASSOCIATION is NOT A PERMITTED PERSON, COMPANY, OR ORGANIZATION for growing sugar cane. That is the LAW. It is a bloody shame you have to make the lawyers rich by challenging this law in the Supreme Court. Wouldn´t it be just easier for the UDP to remove the LAW from the ACT and Constitution? Do us a favor you UDP mafia. Fix this undemocratic thing. LEAD us properly and start cleaning up the ACTS and LAWS of Belize. Are you all crooks to let this stand? Show some leadership!
John Carr amateur scientist and successful farmer promotes GMO seed corn for Belize.
JOHN CARR famous local Belizean investor in various things, but mostly agriculture.
John is one of those successful types and part of the Belize Agriculture Report. He did a recent two bits worth of promotion for importing GMO seeds in Belize. John´s agriculture enterprises encompass millions of dollars each year. So his advice tends to be taken as de facto science, locally.
Each time John spouts off about GMO seeds, and writes on the subject, I go through the article with a fine tooth comb. Looking for the empirical science and statistics. All his stuff on GMO seeds is amateurish, OPINIONATED JUNK. No hard science in it. All subjective opinions, which disappoints me, because John is a reputable, successful and enlightened man. RICH too!
To buy John´s recent argument about importing GMO seeds, his argument is that because 80% of the farmers in the USA are growing GMO corn for instance, we should do so also in Belize. I don´t buy this argument at all. There are too many disaster stories of GMO failures around the world, which John conveniently doesn´t mention.
If you give credence to John´s argument, if THEY do it, WE should do it. Now what kind of ruddy argument is that? Let´s face it, 3 million heroin addicts in the USA use heroin, about 145 million people smoke marijuana, roughly 25 million use cocaine as a pleasure drug of choice and there are maybe 20 million CRACK addicts. So, if I buy John´s GMO corn argument, I guess we should be using more drugs in Belize for recreational and addictive pleasure? It´s the same argument!
John, LEMMINGS are known to follow the leader and jump off cliffs to their deaths in the millions. I believe SHEEP have the same tendency? You are going to have to come up with some good empirical science from around the world, on GMO seed testing, before anybody in Belize will believe you.
John is one of those successful types and part of the Belize Agriculture Report. He did a recent two bits worth of promotion for importing GMO seeds in Belize. John´s agriculture enterprises encompass millions of dollars each year. So his advice tends to be taken as de facto science, locally.
Each time John spouts off about GMO seeds, and writes on the subject, I go through the article with a fine tooth comb. Looking for the empirical science and statistics. All his stuff on GMO seeds is amateurish, OPINIONATED JUNK. No hard science in it. All subjective opinions, which disappoints me, because John is a reputable, successful and enlightened man. RICH too!
To buy John´s recent argument about importing GMO seeds, his argument is that because 80% of the farmers in the USA are growing GMO corn for instance, we should do so also in Belize. I don´t buy this argument at all. There are too many disaster stories of GMO failures around the world, which John conveniently doesn´t mention.
If you give credence to John´s argument, if THEY do it, WE should do it. Now what kind of ruddy argument is that? Let´s face it, 3 million heroin addicts in the USA use heroin, about 145 million people smoke marijuana, roughly 25 million use cocaine as a pleasure drug of choice and there are maybe 20 million CRACK addicts. So, if I buy John´s GMO corn argument, I guess we should be using more drugs in Belize for recreational and addictive pleasure? It´s the same argument!
John, LEMMINGS are known to follow the leader and jump off cliffs to their deaths in the millions. I believe SHEEP have the same tendency? You are going to have to come up with some good empirical science from around the world, on GMO seed testing, before anybody in Belize will believe you.

You can´t trust these lumber yards anymore. They are cutting and selling lumber outside of the FULL MOON period. All you get is wood that is full of termites and wood lice and goes to hell within one year.
I first learned about the effect of the moon from Mayan rural people, back in British Honduras days. During the full moon, particularly in the pine lumber of the time, used for house building. If you got properly cut pine lumber, the house would last for over a hundred years. Indeed many such houses still exist that are over a hundred years old and when you sand off the paint, the lumber is like new today. By the same token if you did not cut that pine tree during the full moon period, you would be lucky to get six years out of your house, and 13 years would be about maximum. Even now, the lumber used for my greenhouse trestles, is pretty much gone. I got about 4 years out of the planks. Rotten right through. Not like the old days when lumber yards only got lumber cut during the full moon.
I learned about thatching material, either cohune leaves, or bay leaves from the Maya in the Toledo District. A roof with cohune leaves cut during the full moon, lasts about 6 to 8 years, while one made with BAY leaves lasts about 15 years. If you do not cut the leaves on the full moon, your roof will start to leak in 6 months and fall apart in dust.
I watch with sadness and amusement when new immigrant "KNOW IT ALL people" come from the USA or Europe and start building thatch buildings. They learn the hard way.
For instance, if you want fence posts to be permanent and start roots, you cut them during the NEW MOON. If you want dry fence posts, then you cut the trees when the moon is FULL, ( sap has risen ) and stick them in the ground during the NEW MOON. Go outside of this and you are throwing away your labor, time and money.
Crops are sensitive to the phase of the moon, in tropical Belize. Vegetables that grow on top of the soil, should be planted during the NEW MOON. Harvesting and pruning is done on the FIRST QUARTER MOON.
Harvesting potatoes for instance is done during the a DESCENDING MOON. Most ROOT VEGETABLES are this way. Don´t harvest during a FULL MOON, because the plants are full of water and will rot quickly on you. Other types of vegetables are best harvested during the ASCENDING MOON. First or second phase.
As the Mennonite farmers have discovered, corn and beans must be harvested at the right time. Or you will quickly lose your harvest to weevils and in the case of peanuts get wormy.
Cutting grass, or hay is best done during the NEW MOON phase.
Over 50 years I got tired of hearing new farmer immigrants POOH! POOH! mention of the MOON EFFECTS, they experience in Northern Temperate Zone agriculture. Let them suffer and lose their labor and money. The soil has more moisture for plants during the NEW and FULL MOON in tropical Belize.
A Dr. Frank Brown of Northwestern University did a ten year research confirming much of the MAYAN folklore and having built houses and wooden boats in my life time, I know damned well, my boat lumber MUST be cut from the tree on the FULL MOON, or the boat will rot to pieces in a very few years. Otherwise we have a lot of wood boats in Belize that are over a 100 years old.
Cattle for instance need to be castrated during a waning moon, It is during the full moon phase that there is an increase in insect activity, snails in your vegetable plots and animals get internal parasites.
Anybody who lives in tropical Belize, better know their MOON LORE if they wish to live well and maximize their products, produce and labor.
Friday, September 23, 2011
From: Lan Sluder
To: Belize Culture
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 8:23 AM
Subject: Bz-Culture: What the PM said about internet in Belize
So ... what the PM actually said in his Independence Day speech was that BTL would now offer 128 Kbps internet service at US24.50/BZ$49 a month, and that the GST on internet would be dropped.
That's a start, but it's still pathetic and keeps Belize near the bottom of the world in bandwidth per dollar. 128 Kb (note that it's Kb per second down, not Mb) is basically dial-up speed from the 1990s. Many countries in Europe, Asia and North America get 5 to 20 Mbps down for roughly that same 25 bucks. All the countries in Central America have faster speeds and higher internet penetration than Belize.
Mean *average* speeds in a few selected countries (source:
Lithuania 33.4 Mbps
South Korea 28.7
Iceland (same population as Belize) 19.8
Germany 15.5
U.S. 11.8
Canada 11.5
Aruba 8.5
Ghana 5.7
Jamaica 4.4
Mexico 4.3
Cayman Islands 3.6
Zimbabwe 3.0
Nicaragua 2.5
Honduras 2.3
Costa Rica 2.1
Guatemala 1.9
Haiti 1.5
Belize cannot compete internationally until it faces up to the need to provide high speed internet at reasonable prices. Since the GOB now owns BTL it can act to require BTL to help Belize compete by offering competitive internet.
--Lan Sluder
From: Lan Sluder
To: Belize Culture
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 8:23 AM
Subject: Bz-Culture: What the PM said about internet in Belize
So ... what the PM actually said in his Independence Day speech was that BTL would now offer 128 Kbps internet service at US24.50/BZ$49 a month, and that the GST on internet would be dropped.
That's a start, but it's still pathetic and keeps Belize near the bottom of the world in bandwidth per dollar. 128 Kb (note that it's Kb per second down, not Mb) is basically dial-up speed from the 1990s. Many countries in Europe, Asia and North America get 5 to 20 Mbps down for roughly that same 25 bucks. All the countries in Central America have faster speeds and higher internet penetration than Belize.
Mean *average* speeds in a few selected countries (source:
Lithuania 33.4 Mbps
South Korea 28.7
Iceland (same population as Belize) 19.8
Germany 15.5
U.S. 11.8
Canada 11.5
Aruba 8.5
Ghana 5.7
Jamaica 4.4
Mexico 4.3
Cayman Islands 3.6
Zimbabwe 3.0
Nicaragua 2.5
Honduras 2.3
Costa Rica 2.1
Guatemala 1.9
Haiti 1.5
Belize cannot compete internationally until it faces up to the need to provide high speed internet at reasonable prices. Since the GOB now owns BTL it can act to require BTL to help Belize compete by offering competitive internet.
--Lan Sluder
From the campaign speech of the El Caudillo on Independence Day.
"This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is now the face of BEL. This is the advance being brought by Belizean suzerainty, Belizean ownership, and Belizean control.
Now I want to end this address by ensuring that I quarrel with no one. I will therefore not get into it with those that would try to scuttle one set of perfectly good partnership proposals that could rescue the sugar industry and the livelihood of six thousand independent Belizean cane farmers. But it is pretty obvious that there are some in our midst trying to produce the very outcome they claim to decry - the scaring away of foreign investment. I make this point only to repeat that fear-mongering notwithstanding, this government and this country will continue to welcome and, indeed, to court foreign investment. Of course, it can never be at the price of Belizean dignity. Whether, therefore, it is in the area of telecommunications, electricity or butane gas; and whether the investor is from Britain, Canada, or Central America, the requirements of fair play, equity and conscience must apply. Genuine investors know this. And they are prepared to come.
They are willing to follow the rules. That is why, for example, a brand new palm oil industry is on tap; that is why the sugar factory at Libertad is reopening; that is why we are beginning to shine in Business Process Outsourcing; that is why four new call centers that will provide at least one thousand jobs, are lined up; and that is why medical tourism in Belize is about to become a reality."
1) New Palm Oil industry
2) Re-opening of dormant moth balled sugar factory, by Mexican investment
3) New CALL CENTERS to service USA corporations with outsourcing information
4) Medical tourism
From the campaign speech of the El Caudillo on Independence Day.
"This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is now the face of BEL. This is the advance being brought by Belizean suzerainty, Belizean ownership, and Belizean control.
Now I want to end this address by ensuring that I quarrel with no one. I will therefore not get into it with those that would try to scuttle one set of perfectly good partnership proposals that could rescue the sugar industry and the livelihood of six thousand independent Belizean cane farmers. But it is pretty obvious that there are some in our midst trying to produce the very outcome they claim to decry - the scaring away of foreign investment. I make this point only to repeat that fear-mongering notwithstanding, this government and this country will continue to welcome and, indeed, to court foreign investment. Of course, it can never be at the price of Belizean dignity. Whether, therefore, it is in the area of telecommunications, electricity or butane gas; and whether the investor is from Britain, Canada, or Central America, the requirements of fair play, equity and conscience must apply. Genuine investors know this. And they are prepared to come.
They are willing to follow the rules. That is why, for example, a brand new palm oil industry is on tap; that is why the sugar factory at Libertad is reopening; that is why we are beginning to shine in Business Process Outsourcing; that is why four new call centers that will provide at least one thousand jobs, are lined up; and that is why medical tourism in Belize is about to become a reality."
1) New Palm Oil industry
2) Re-opening of dormant moth balled sugar factory, by Mexican investment
3) New CALL CENTERS to service USA corporations with outsourcing information
4) Medical tourism
It has taken 20 years to get a sustainable internet rate in Belize and I suppose NATIONALIZATION OF BTL has been the cause of this improvement, required to develop Belize to a modern state. Currently only 14% of the homes have access to internet service and in this global climate, such a figure disenfranchizes and makes for class divisions in our society. To get ahead, the INTERNET IS NOW needed as common as household running water and electricity. Since it was the new Government control of the Board of Directors, from Nationalization, that makes this come about, we will award 2 points on the UDP report card, for a move in the right direction.
The internet speed will stay at 250,000 KBPS, compared to the rest of the modern world´s modern 20 Megabytes fast speeds and bandwidth.
It has taken 20 years to get a sustainable internet rate in Belize and I suppose NATIONALIZATION OF BTL has been the cause of this improvement, required to develop Belize to a modern state. Currently only 14% of the homes have access to internet service and in this global climate, such a figure disenfranchizes and makes for class divisions in our society. To get ahead, the INTERNET IS NOW needed as common as household running water and electricity. Since it was the new Government control of the Board of Directors, from Nationalization, that makes this come about, we will award 2 points on the UDP report card, for a move in the right direction.
The internet speed will stay at 250,000 KBPS, compared to the rest of the modern world´s modern 20 Megabytes fast speeds and bandwidth.
44 RURAL COMMUNITIES TO GET ELECTRICITY SERVICE FROM NATIONALIZED BEL ( Political campaign promises, rhetoric, worth nothing! This promise has been made for 13 years without any changes. )
Electricity service to dozens of remote rural communities were denied by BEL under private ownership. Considered uneconomic by poverty, little attention was paid by profiteers to the fact, that historical precedent had showed electric service was the dynamic that caused remote communities to turn around and suddenly develop. My village of Caye Caulker was one such case, which I was personally aware of. Always even after giving electricity, the Electric company consistantly underestimated the demand and installed inadequate capability for electricity. Causing decades of delays in GDP growth.
**** Electric bills to be reduced MIDDLE OF NEXT YEAR 2012 ( JUNE 21, 2012 ) FOR NATIONAL ELECTION VOTES. *****
From El Caudillo´s Independence Day campaign speech.
"Accordingly, I also want to announce that by way of a European Union grant and the provision of counterpart funds by the Government of Belize, BEL will begin to provide electrification to 44 rural and peri-urban communities countrywide. Around two thousand new households will now be serviced in the outlying areas of Belmopan; in Benque and Succotz and Cayo South; in the Belize District at Hattieville and Rockstone Pond; in Orange Walk and Corozal; in Dangriga Town at Rivas Estate and Wagirale; and in the villages of Stann Creek West and Toledo East and West."
Electricity service to dozens of remote rural communities were denied by BEL under private ownership. Considered uneconomic by poverty, little attention was paid by profiteers to the fact, that historical precedent had showed electric service was the dynamic that caused remote communities to turn around and suddenly develop. My village of Caye Caulker was one such case, which I was personally aware of. Always even after giving electricity, the Electric company consistantly underestimated the demand and installed inadequate capability for electricity. Causing decades of delays in GDP growth.
**** Electric bills to be reduced MIDDLE OF NEXT YEAR 2012 ( JUNE 21, 2012 ) FOR NATIONAL ELECTION VOTES. *****
From El Caudillo´s Independence Day campaign speech.
"Accordingly, I also want to announce that by way of a European Union grant and the provision of counterpart funds by the Government of Belize, BEL will begin to provide electrification to 44 rural and peri-urban communities countrywide. Around two thousand new households will now be serviced in the outlying areas of Belmopan; in Benque and Succotz and Cayo South; in the Belize District at Hattieville and Rockstone Pond; in Orange Walk and Corozal; in Dangriga Town at Rivas Estate and Wagirale; and in the villages of Stann Creek West and Toledo East and West."
1000 house lots for first time buyers in each District of Belize, says El Caudillo in campaign speech.
HOUSE LOT PROGRAM TO GET STARTED PRIOR TO NEXT ELECTION IN EACH DISTRICT. ( Political promises and rhetoric, worth nothing. These type of promises made EVERY CAMPAIGN FOR THE NEXT ELECTION )
From El Caudillo´s campaign speech on Independence Day.
"Then, on the question of land, the slow delivery especially of building lots has been a much-vexed issue that Government is determined to address. Thus, 5 million dollars is being spent on a new land management system that should eliminate a lot of the current chokeholds. And land is being identified in every District for survey and subdivision into house lots. Government will award these to first time owners by way of immediate freehold title, and at a price not to exceed a thousand dollars payable in installments. One thousand acres have already been acquired along the Western Highway for allocation to people in the Belize and Cayo Districts and so around four thousand building lots will be distributed as soon as surveyors can complete the subdivision work. We have also secured, by way of an amicable arrangement with a company called Belize Distills, another parcel of land enough to give one thousand house lots to Belizeans in the Orange Walk district. We will now turn to each of the other Districts and will acquire whatever is needed to continue addressing, in a sharply accelerated way, the cry of our people for land."
From El Caudillo´s campaign speech on Independence Day.
"Then, on the question of land, the slow delivery especially of building lots has been a much-vexed issue that Government is determined to address. Thus, 5 million dollars is being spent on a new land management system that should eliminate a lot of the current chokeholds. And land is being identified in every District for survey and subdivision into house lots. Government will award these to first time owners by way of immediate freehold title, and at a price not to exceed a thousand dollars payable in installments. One thousand acres have already been acquired along the Western Highway for allocation to people in the Belize and Cayo Districts and so around four thousand building lots will be distributed as soon as surveyors can complete the subdivision work. We have also secured, by way of an amicable arrangement with a company called Belize Distills, another parcel of land enough to give one thousand house lots to Belizeans in the Orange Walk district. We will now turn to each of the other Districts and will acquire whatever is needed to continue addressing, in a sharply accelerated way, the cry of our people for land."
This is worth 2 points on the UDP report card. Score now 37%
"In the effort to build Belize and to better Belize, Government conceives of land and housing as two of the most important cornerstones. We are working with Mexico on funding for a new low-cost housing construction programme that will be similar to the one we did with Venezuela, and which will be countrywide. In the meantime we are spending almost 5 million dollars this year on home repairs and for home improvement all across the nation. This is on top of the OPEC 4.2 million for Southside Belize. Of course, everything that we do in housing is free. We provide grants, not loans. This is because poor people-with the best will in the world-cannot repay loans except at an intolerable cost to themselves. We are witness to this even now as there are more than 9,200 loans currently on the books at the Ministry of Housing. The weight of these is taxing the loan recipients to perdition; but no more. Government has decided that it will write off each and every single one of
those loans at a total cost of around 62.6 million dollars. I will therefore be going to the National Assembly shortly for the formalization of this process. And it will be the consummation of massive relief for all those struggling with government mortgages that they simply cannot pay."
This is worth 2 points on the UDP report card. Score now 37%
"In the effort to build Belize and to better Belize, Government conceives of land and housing as two of the most important cornerstones. We are working with Mexico on funding for a new low-cost housing construction programme that will be similar to the one we did with Venezuela, and which will be countrywide. In the meantime we are spending almost 5 million dollars this year on home repairs and for home improvement all across the nation. This is on top of the OPEC 4.2 million for Southside Belize. Of course, everything that we do in housing is free. We provide grants, not loans. This is because poor people-with the best will in the world-cannot repay loans except at an intolerable cost to themselves. We are witness to this even now as there are more than 9,200 loans currently on the books at the Ministry of Housing. The weight of these is taxing the loan recipients to perdition; but no more. Government has decided that it will write off each and every single one of
those loans at a total cost of around 62.6 million dollars. I will therefore be going to the National Assembly shortly for the formalization of this process. And it will be the consummation of massive relief for all those struggling with government mortgages that they simply cannot pay."
From the Independence day campaign speech of El Caudillo ( strong man dictator leader system of governing in Belize )
"As well, our apprenticeship and second chance programmes are now a permanent feature of Government's social and educational outreach. Thus, we have over 1500 students enrolled in special classes in institutions that range from St Peter Claver in Toledo to CCC in Corozal. These programmes run the gamut from high school equivalency, to skills training, to literacy and life counseling. Next on our agenda will be the child care subsidy for working and single mothers."
From the Independence day campaign speech of El Caudillo ( strong man dictator leader system of governing in Belize )
"As well, our apprenticeship and second chance programmes are now a permanent feature of Government's social and educational outreach. Thus, we have over 1500 students enrolled in special classes in institutions that range from St Peter Claver in Toledo to CCC in Corozal. These programmes run the gamut from high school equivalency, to skills training, to literacy and life counseling. Next on our agenda will be the child care subsidy for working and single mothers."
Western POLYCLINIC re-named as a HOSPITAL
The former POLYCLINIC now has a brand new name, ( same facility ). It is called the SAN IGNACIO GENERAL HOSPITAL. Seems to be the same facility.
Wife has recurring kidney stones and recently went to the hospital and had a full day battery of tests and medications. Took most of the day. In Miami, where we once lived, the battery of tests would have to be done by specialists and by appointments over a 6 week, or two month period and would have cost about $5000 usa. Here in Western Belize, it cost ZERO. Public Health Service, and took only the best part of one day. SUPERIOR MEDICINE IN BELIZE, OVER THAT OF SOUTH FLORIDA, for sure.
Public Medicine in Belize would not exist properly without the aid of the CUBAN MEDICAL STAFF, from Cuba. We have Cuban contract Doctors and nurses all over the country, in the most remote clinics.
The former POLYCLINIC now has a brand new name, ( same facility ). It is called the SAN IGNACIO GENERAL HOSPITAL. Seems to be the same facility.
Wife has recurring kidney stones and recently went to the hospital and had a full day battery of tests and medications. Took most of the day. In Miami, where we once lived, the battery of tests would have to be done by specialists and by appointments over a 6 week, or two month period and would have cost about $5000 usa. Here in Western Belize, it cost ZERO. Public Health Service, and took only the best part of one day. SUPERIOR MEDICINE IN BELIZE, OVER THAT OF SOUTH FLORIDA, for sure.
Public Medicine in Belize would not exist properly without the aid of the CUBAN MEDICAL STAFF, from Cuba. We have Cuban contract Doctors and nurses all over the country, in the most remote clinics.
Any inflation in Belize for 2011?
INFLATION IN BELIZE IS ZERO says El Caudillo of Belize, for 2010, elected dictator speaking for his political party of pirates.
"Now the legitimate query in the face of impressive growth numbers is always how does higher output benefit the regular citizen and improve the quality of life. It is in that context that we were pleased to have both the Fund and the Central Bank of Belize confirm that inflation was nil in 2010. In other words, there was no cost of living increase over the last calendar year. And this was as a direct result of Government's cancellation of both import duty and GST on a wide range of food items."
"Now the legitimate query in the face of impressive growth numbers is always how does higher output benefit the regular citizen and improve the quality of life. It is in that context that we were pleased to have both the Fund and the Central Bank of Belize confirm that inflation was nil in 2010. In other words, there was no cost of living increase over the last calendar year. And this was as a direct result of Government's cancellation of both import duty and GST on a wide range of food items."

BELIZE is expecting a 3% GROWTH number for the year 2011. Beating the European Union and the USA in GDP.
Well, when we look at the numbers we can certainly take satisfaction in the fact that for the first quarter of this year our GDP growth exceeded 6%. It is around a decade since we last saw that figure and local analysts declare that, in current world circumstances, it is an extraordinary statistic. Now it is already clear that the second quarter, for which the official figures are not yet in, was more subdued. But we are still on track for year-on-year growth of not less than 3%. And even those costive Scrooges at the International Monetary Fund have been obliged to concede that "Belize is weathering the financial crisis relatively well, when compared with CARICOM peers".
There is a mix of factors responsible for our economic growth, and high export earnings from our production of crude oil is one. But, what is far more sustainable, our job-creating tourism star is firmly in the ascendant. Thus, there was a 6.7% increase in second quarter overnight visitors to Belize, anchored by a 16% jump in the month of April.
And for the first half of this year, hotel revenues rose by 17.8%.
UDP gets 2 more points on REPORT CARD for poverty food basket program SCORE NOW 35%.
"Accordingly, we are not stopping to count the cost but are proceeding full speed ahead with our food pantry assistance and our Operation Boost. In Belize City 5,000 persons are now benefitting from weekly, half price food baskets; and that programme is enrolling another seven thousand in San Ignacio/Santa Elena and Benque Viejo. Operation Boost, for its part, gives monthly cash transfers to 4,300 individuals countrywide."
****UDP gets 2 more points on REPORT CARD for food for poor program.
"Accordingly, we are not stopping to count the cost but are proceeding full speed ahead with our food pantry assistance and our Operation Boost. In Belize City 5,000 persons are now benefitting from weekly, half price food baskets; and that programme is enrolling another seven thousand in San Ignacio/Santa Elena and Benque Viejo. Operation Boost, for its part, gives monthly cash transfers to 4,300 individuals countrywide."
****UDP gets 2 more points on REPORT CARD for food for poor program.

First time deployment for some exceeds expectations in Belize
9/21/2011 By Lance Cpl. Scott L. Tomaszycki , Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point
Many Marine recruiters promise young civilians the opportunity to see the world and travel to many foreign lands. For some, it is a deciding factor; for others, a pleasant bonus. For most, the first time traveling abroad is a memorable experience.
Several junior officers and enlisted Marines experienced their first visit to “any clime and place” when Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 self-deployed to Belize in Central America with ground support from Marine Wing Support Squadron 271.
The pilots said the experience was unique because many had never before flown a MV-22B Osprey in mountainous jungle terrain.
“I think it’s a great opportunity to take the Osprey into different environments that we can’t necessarily duplicate in the U. S.,” said 1st Lt. Sean Stanley, the ground safety officer, naval aviation training and operating procedures officer, and a pilot on his first deployment outside of the continental U.S. with VMM-365. “It’s great to come out here and find these conditions and remote landing zones to really prove the capabilities of the Osprey, something we can’t always do in our limited flying environment in North Carolina. It’s been a lot of fun out here seeing what the Osprey can do in a place I’ve never been and an environment the Osprey has never been in.”
The main challenge of operating in a foreign country is that they usually don’t have the same level of infrastructure that America has. Belize is not a rich country and can’t build bases with the same amenities that Marine Corps bases have, so MWSS-271 Marines on their first deployments had to overcome challenges they had never faced before. The internet was a prime example.
“We build and maintain computer networks,” said Lance Cpl. David W. Kent, a data systems specialist for MWSS-271 and also a Marine on his first deployment outside of the continental U.S. “We started from the ground up so we ran all the lines and tested out the computers. The really hard part was that it’s our first time down here so we didn’t really know what to expect, what our parameters were or to what extent we would be supporting VMM-365. We didn’t know what abilities the facilities had being a British base on a Belize camp. It’s kind of like, ‘pack for the worst, hope for the best.’”
Both squadrons managed to plan some fun into their schedules. VMM-365 allowed both MWSS-271 and VMM-365 ground personnel the unique opportunity to ride in the back of their Ospreys. Also, Sept. 14 was set aside as a morale, welfare and recreation day. Enlisted and officers enjoyed visiting the Mayan ruins at Altun Ha, zip lining at Cave’s Branch Outpost Adventure, scuba diving and playing games at a local casino.
“Yesterday was pretty awesome,” said Lance Cpl. Brandi N. Rosser, an airframe mechanic for VMM-365 also on her first deployment. “We were supposed to go cave tubing but that was cancelled and I wasn’t really excited about zip lining, but it turned out to be pretty awesome. It was nice to get away from the flight line and do that.”
For VMM-365, mixing good times with hard work is part of what makes the squadron a more effective unit.
“Morale is key,” Stanley said. “You got to have high morale in order to keep your squadron moving. If you never reward anybody for their hard work, then they’re going to stop working for you. I think the MWR was key and our commanding officer does an awesome job in making sure there’s some fun built into our workday, which is why we succeed as a squadron.”
The first deployment is always an exciting time for Marines eager to experience the adventure part of military life.
“It was unbelizable,” Kent said, laughing.Fi
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The recent approval of importation of GMO seeds, by the Belize Agriculture Department has opened up the Government of Belize to lawsuits on the local scene. Elsewhere in the world, GMO crops have contaminated other crops. In the case of some countries where there were established ORGANIC and CERTIFIED ( a three year process ) crops. These farmers of organic produce were later DE-CERTIFIED when labratory tests showed that the so-called Organic natural species, had been contaminated by GMO crops, which had occured from wind blown and bird carrying spread of the GMO crops to other crops. Thus ruining perfectly established farm industries specializing in HIGHER PRICED farm products.
The recent spate of media news, that it is OFFICIAL, that our government has approved and already GMO seeds are in country, for Belize; means DANGER for the growing segment of the farming industry growing ORGANIC. At least this clears the air somewhat, in the case of the GMO corn seed shipment that came in. OUR GOVERNMENT is legally responsible and will eventually be found so, in a court of law, when it comes to lawsuits finding blame for the loss of crops relying on EVOLUTION over tens of thousands of years, to breed local plants, for their mainstay.
I saw a horrific movie on Gene Modified animals on television last night. They had bred pigs with cow skin, pigs with the HUMAN GROWTH GENE added ( very badly malformed pig unfortunately ) and other horror stories of gene engineering experiments gone wrong.
A movie from India, blames the loss of small farms in cotton growing on GMO cotton seeds from Monsanto in the USA. Turned out it didn´t work out and give better yields and because of the emphasis by the Government of the Day in India of trying the GMO cotton seeds, the small farmer base for cotton in India collapsed. Hundreds of thousands of small farmers ( the base of the cotton industry ) who had at the behest of their bureaucrats and political policy makers, borrowed money to grow and nurture the NEW GMO cotton crops, lost everything, including their small farmer plots, their houses and livelihoods. I believe there was a lawsuit against Monsanto in the USA, but in reality it was Indian political policy and their AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT that was at fault.
At least here in Belize, we now know what will happen from other countries making this mistake and the LAWYERS need to start gathering the legal evidence now, for the lawsuits to come in the future a decade or so from now, in Belize.
The recent approval of importation of GMO seeds, by the Belize Agriculture Department has opened up the Government of Belize to lawsuits on the local scene. Elsewhere in the world, GMO crops have contaminated other crops. In the case of some countries where there were established ORGANIC and CERTIFIED ( a three year process ) crops. These farmers of organic produce were later DE-CERTIFIED when labratory tests showed that the so-called Organic natural species, had been contaminated by GMO crops, which had occured from wind blown and bird carrying spread of the GMO crops to other crops. Thus ruining perfectly established farm industries specializing in HIGHER PRICED farm products.
The recent spate of media news, that it is OFFICIAL, that our government has approved and already GMO seeds are in country, for Belize; means DANGER for the growing segment of the farming industry growing ORGANIC. At least this clears the air somewhat, in the case of the GMO corn seed shipment that came in. OUR GOVERNMENT is legally responsible and will eventually be found so, in a court of law, when it comes to lawsuits finding blame for the loss of crops relying on EVOLUTION over tens of thousands of years, to breed local plants, for their mainstay.
I saw a horrific movie on Gene Modified animals on television last night. They had bred pigs with cow skin, pigs with the HUMAN GROWTH GENE added ( very badly malformed pig unfortunately ) and other horror stories of gene engineering experiments gone wrong.
A movie from India, blames the loss of small farms in cotton growing on GMO cotton seeds from Monsanto in the USA. Turned out it didn´t work out and give better yields and because of the emphasis by the Government of the Day in India of trying the GMO cotton seeds, the small farmer base for cotton in India collapsed. Hundreds of thousands of small farmers ( the base of the cotton industry ) who had at the behest of their bureaucrats and political policy makers, borrowed money to grow and nurture the NEW GMO cotton crops, lost everything, including their small farmer plots, their houses and livelihoods. I believe there was a lawsuit against Monsanto in the USA, but in reality it was Indian political policy and their AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT that was at fault.
At least here in Belize, we now know what will happen from other countries making this mistake and the LAWYERS need to start gathering the legal evidence now, for the lawsuits to come in the future a decade or so from now, in Belize.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Belize to register CELL PHONES.
Belize to pass a LAW to register ALL cell phones.
Besides another tax raising gimmick, it will help surveillance police track criminals and find stolen cell phones. A common crime right now. Mind you, there was once upon a time, a law to license and register bicycles too. Not any more. One has to assume, the same reason why not, would be just as valid for cell phones. WASTE OF TIME, looks like?
If criminals can get firearms that cannot be traced back to them - why would it be any harder for them to get cell phones? This is one of the desperate ploys that authoritarian personalities come up with to make life more annoying for the law-abiding citizens but have no discernible effect on criminals.
Another contributed comment:
Nobody can get unregistered firearms legally - not just criminals. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong - there might be some ministerial discretion or other privilege for the members of the oligarchy I'm not aware of).
Nobody of a sound mind commits a crime using their own registered firearm either.
It also seems patently obvious that once it is a requirement that a phone and a sim card are registered no criminal (except, perhaps, for the 4% of exceptionally stupid ones who the law enforcement manages to convict) will use their own registered phone to conduct any criminal activity. They'll either whack someone over the head and steal their cell phone or use one purchased with false identity or through a strawman.
I predict that this silly venture will fail as a crime fighting measure, though as a means of control of the law-abiding citizens and ability to invade their privacy - it's priceless.
Besides another tax raising gimmick, it will help surveillance police track criminals and find stolen cell phones. A common crime right now. Mind you, there was once upon a time, a law to license and register bicycles too. Not any more. One has to assume, the same reason why not, would be just as valid for cell phones. WASTE OF TIME, looks like?
If criminals can get firearms that cannot be traced back to them - why would it be any harder for them to get cell phones? This is one of the desperate ploys that authoritarian personalities come up with to make life more annoying for the law-abiding citizens but have no discernible effect on criminals.
Another contributed comment:
Nobody can get unregistered firearms legally - not just criminals. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong - there might be some ministerial discretion or other privilege for the members of the oligarchy I'm not aware of).
Nobody of a sound mind commits a crime using their own registered firearm either.
It also seems patently obvious that once it is a requirement that a phone and a sim card are registered no criminal (except, perhaps, for the 4% of exceptionally stupid ones who the law enforcement manages to convict) will use their own registered phone to conduct any criminal activity. They'll either whack someone over the head and steal their cell phone or use one purchased with false identity or through a strawman.
I predict that this silly venture will fail as a crime fighting measure, though as a means of control of the law-abiding citizens and ability to invade their privacy - it's priceless.
Hypothetically speaking for a new generation. - WHO WILL BE ELECTED TO THE BELIZE TRANSITIONAL COUNCIL?
HYPOTHESIS OF A BELIZEAN SPRING, in tune with the changing times forecast by the Mayan Calendar for next year, 2012.
Who would you vote to be on the hypothetical BELIZE TRANSITIONAL NATIONAL COUNCIL, while we oust the two pirate political parties, in favor of the better, Guatemalan Constitution. Throwing out this mish mash of a Belize Constitution, that puts ALL POWER in a single party dictatorial government.
Perhap Audry Matura Shepherd, Clinton de Luna, Wil Mahier? Can´t think of any others? Certainly don´t want any ROYAL CREOLES.
The sticky points would be the head officers of the NATIONAL POLITICAL POLICE AND THE HEADS OF THE BELIZE DEFENSE FORCE. Otherwise it could get bloody and violent. Lots of jailing of opponents of the current UDP regime. Would the POLICE FORCE and the BDF obey and support the Belize Transitional Council? Interesting questions for a hypothetical WHAT IF -scenario. New generations and new solutions to the captive citizens of BELIZE. For debating purposes, who are the generally respected people of our nation?
Who would you vote to be on the hypothetical BELIZE TRANSITIONAL NATIONAL COUNCIL, while we oust the two pirate political parties, in favor of the better, Guatemalan Constitution. Throwing out this mish mash of a Belize Constitution, that puts ALL POWER in a single party dictatorial government.
Perhap Audry Matura Shepherd, Clinton de Luna, Wil Mahier? Can´t think of any others? Certainly don´t want any ROYAL CREOLES.
The sticky points would be the head officers of the NATIONAL POLITICAL POLICE AND THE HEADS OF THE BELIZE DEFENSE FORCE. Otherwise it could get bloody and violent. Lots of jailing of opponents of the current UDP regime. Would the POLICE FORCE and the BDF obey and support the Belize Transitional Council? Interesting questions for a hypothetical WHAT IF -scenario. New generations and new solutions to the captive citizens of BELIZE. For debating purposes, who are the generally respected people of our nation?
UDP Government fails to equally distribute electricity around the nation.
After 13 years of PUP INSTIGATED rural electrification. It is reported that while the rest of the nation has oodles of infra structure projects. HALF OF THE VILLAGES AND TOWNS OF THE TOLEDO DISTRICT still have NO ELECTRICITY IN 2011. Young people in school in these communities do not have a light bulb to study by.
After 13 years of PUP INSTIGATED rural electrification. It is reported that while the rest of the nation has oodles of infra structure projects. HALF OF THE VILLAGES AND TOWNS OF THE TOLEDO DISTRICT still have NO ELECTRICITY IN 2011. Young people in school in these communities do not have a light bulb to study by.
Thursday, September 15, 2011

At a meeting of reminiscing of former and present Belize Prime Ministers. The current Prime Minister let the cat out of the bag. He thinks the pirate political system, called the winning political party, SPOILS SYSTEM, patterned after colonial rule, is the cat´s meow. That we will NEVER have a true participatory democracy in Belize. At least, while HE is PRIME MINISTER.
"Part of your thesis came up last night when Mr. Musa referred to the political polarization being one of the ingredients in the witches brew that has kept us divided and unable to unite and go forward as a nation state.
The current PM dismissed this view out of hand declaring that a a newbie PM, Tony Best made him see the light.
The new PM ( Tony Best ) was distraught as he put it, at the task of rewarding friends and punishing enemies. But according to his version, Mr. Best advised him to wake up and be real. The spoils systems is what makes the system work."
He was referring to the spoils system of Constitutional and legal controls, commonly used by ex-British Colonial Office people, in ex-African British colonies and also that of Belize, in Central America. There was no reference to the superior REPUBLIC political system NOW USED BY GUATEMALA our neighbor. Our own political parties in Belize, get to be five year dictators, above the law, free of fear themselves to take advantage of the tax revenues as they wish, and use the trappings of administrational institutions, regulations and laws to exploit the common voters. They steal and embezzle with impunity. The occasional scandal, but since there are no laws governing politicians, cannot be prosecuted. One ex Prime Minister at the conference of past and present Prime Ministers of Belize, is INFAMOUS for his view, that political scandals will pass over like a lee breeze.
Some changes needed, are;
a) the replacement of MINISTERS DISCRETION by well defined laws and regulations, controlled by financial and jail penalties.
b) Proportional Representation, to enable more of a debate and consensus arriving set of policies, to prevent the current system in which half the population are disenfranchised for five years.
c) An Elected Senate, to block one party, self serving, self enrichment and absolute power laws from being passed.
d) An Elected National Police Chief for 2 years by POPULAR VOTE. Also the same for TOWNS. Seperating the police from political party use and abuse. Returning that power to citizens at the national and local level by their votes.
e) An ELECTED by popular vote, Prime Minister, or failing that, an ELECTED PRESIDENT above the Prime Minister from a winning political party.
f) Need a recall law. A no confidence vote for Cabinet Ministers and political party in power, etc.
The list goes on, in Belize, but PARTICPATORY DEMOCRACY means CHECKS AND BALANCES, of which there are absolutely NONE in Belize at the moment. Belize is currently a DICTATORSHIP for five years, pure and simple.
Current Prime Minister Barrow of the UDP has stated his position quite openly. He is not going to change the PIRATE POLITICAL PARTY SPOILS SYSTEM he enjoys. This is a challenge to the many NGO´s and groups, to start a BELIZE SPRING, something similar to the non-violent ARAB SPRING revolutions going on right now in the public news.
From the debating Belize Culture listserve.
My vision is for the enactment of necessary laws and the repeal of certain outdated and draconian ones; and the commitment by all to support and work for the enforcement of our laws.
I want to begin with laws that will address conflict of interest and cronyism in government and business, political victimization, competition and discriminatory business practices, political funding, and proportional representation.
From: Trevor Vernon
To: Belize Culture List (original)
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 10:51 AM
Subject: Bz-Culture: what is your vision for Belize? we need citizens to express themselves
We need a vision competition from all the lunatics now that we've heard what Mssrs Barrow, Musa and Esquivel's are.
I know what mine is and it naturally involves healthy reefs and healthy environment generally and not some pie in the sky daydream.
"Dean Barrow our dictator has drawn the line in the sand. NEXT, one can only wait and see if the port town groups can create a non violent, BELIZEAN SPRING. Who will head our TRANSITIONAL GOVERNING COUNCIL? This old man is too old, but there are very many patriotic types and organizations in Belize. Be very interesting to see IF THEY DO ANYTHING.
Britain has no constitution. This means that the government in Britain would have absolute power without the two houses. In Belize the government is SUPPOSED to be subject to the constitution.
From: [] On Behalf Of Ed Burke
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Bz-Culture: Belize is a dictatorship and Barrow says he will continue such against opposition from the voting public.
In Britain, at any moment, the power can shift. Loose a vote of confidence? You are out. Then again I do not see the two houses in Belize. Britain has the house of Lords and the House of Commons. Checks and balances. Belize seems to have no check or balance. It looks like the party in power is totally in power. No check. They do what they want.
The Westminster system has worked reasonably well in Britain for hundreds of years. Why shouldn't it work in Belize? Is there something about Belizeans that means it can't work?
This message sent to the Bz-Culture Mailing List from Greg Zane
It's really not necessary for Belize to abandon the Westminster form of government. It works as well, or badly, as any other. What would help would be a civil service system so that skilled technocrats, managers, and public sector workers retained their jobs regardless of political changes. It would depoliticize the public workforce and smooth operations of the various departments. Throw in an elected Senate and the end of Ministerial Discretion, and I'd think you'd have a pretty functional method of governance. Not really big or difficult reforms actually, but there would be lots of push back from politicians who like, and benefit, from the system as it exists.
I for one, would like to see more parties represented in the HOUSE, to change it from a RUBBER STAMP charade.
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