In the time honored tradition of European exploitation of Africa, the Europeans are now trying to do the same in Latin America. Recent NEWS from the LATIN Spanish speaking television` channels reveal that the Europeans are trying to forment wide spread war in the American continent, starting first with Honduras. Ex – President Zelaya of Honduras is trumpeting on the airwaves for his supporters to rebel against the lawfully elected government of Honduras. He wants his supporters to blockade highways and destroy the economy of Honduran society, so he can make a return. The next NATIONAL ELECTION is only three months away and campaigning for a new President in Honduras should start soon anyway. In Honduras the Constitution forbids a President to run for more than one term. They have had a lot of experience with dictatorship. ZELAYA has lost about 5 months off the end of his ONE permitted Presidential four year term, through trying to take over as a President for Life tyrant in Honduras. ( see police find vote counts and fraud in supporters house for ZELAYA )
The Europeans see opportunity with the ALBA SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST ideological EMPIRE group of Latin America, ruled by PRESIDENTS FOR LIFE, tyrants or dictators. The ALBA methodology is to change the Constitution in countries after obtaining power democratically, change all the ARMY GENERALS and POLICE and then, change the constitution to perpetuate PRESIDENT FOR LIFE tyranny and persecute the voices of reason and debate. Most media outlets are seized by military force and confiscated, while the OPPOSITION are brutalized, or jailed, or forced into EXILE. The trappings of democracy are retained institutionally, but become a FAĆADE, or CHARADE, as done by Joseph Stalin of RUSSIA in Eastern Europe, as a sop to the International news media. The SPANISH speaking news channels are saying the Europeans are going to compete for the Latin American markets and resources, the same as they have done in AFRICAN countries. At the moment the starting point is Honduras and Central America, as the Europeans are instigating the taking of SIDES in Central America. The conflict is expected to widen dramatically in the American continent, with the interference of the Europeans in their war for markets and resources with the USA. South American analysts are warning of the DIVIDE and CONQUER tactics of the EUROPEANS, which they have used successfully for a couple of centuries throughout AFRICA. The Europeans are intent on making a mole hill into a mountain, inflaming passions.
In BELIZE we worry, because there are a lot of FALSE lies and disinformation propaganda coming out of Europe. Whenever HONDURAS has had civil wars, or DICTATORS, Belize gets flooded with refugees and this is a strain on our social services, education system and limited financial abilities. Belize is more POOR than Honduras by comparison, as a country and an economy. We can ill afford a Honduran refugee exodus seeking refuge here, like in decades past.
In the meantime, the OAS has been taken over by the ALBA group country FIFTH COLUMN appointees and Chairperson INSULZA ( a Chilean communist ) who stormed into Honduras recently, demanding a change of government, in the name of the Organization of American States, and was questioned recently by a Latin news reporter. What happened is that there are still a few democratically elected state governors and city Mayors in Venezuela, that do not belong to the Hugo Chavez totalitarian style of government. Chavez is choking them to death, by denying them their revenues, taxation, and other means to tend to their responsibilities. Chavez has already seized all the FREE television stations and media outlets in opposition to him in Venezuela. These governors and mayors in Venezuela went to the OAS and asked INSULZA to help them do their democratically elected jobs. INSULZA it was reported told them, he could not interfere with the internal affairs of a country in his position as HEAD of the OAS. Yet the same INSULZA has interfered in HONDURAS in an internal government matter, when ex-President ZELAYA was rejected by his own political party and government on grounds of Constitutional illegalities. Talk about a lying, double crossing scoundrel in the OAS, this INSULZA character is; but this is typical of the ALBA program of political subversion and EMPIRE BUILDING, for would be EMPEROR of Latin America, by President for Life aspirant Hugo Chavez minions. The EUROPEAN left is adding to this cacophony of lies and false propaganda to confuse the outside world and trying to use the HONDURAN focal point to stir up Central America to begin with, into a civil war, as countries will be forced to take sides. So say the Foreign Affairs ANALYSTS from the Latin American countries on television in Central and South America. What they say is BEWARE OF THE INTERFERENCE OF THE EUROPEANS in their war over economic resources with the USA. European DISINFORMATION IS BECOMING A TORRENT on the international scene.
In the meantime, ZELAYA is encouraging his supporters to die, or get maimed for him in Honduras, while he stays safely in another ALBA EMPIRE capital of Managua, Nicaragua. So he treats the POOR. They are just cannon fodder to him. In the meantime, ORTEGA President of Nicaragua also prepares his fraudulent REFERENDUM to change the Constitution to allow him to run for President repeatedly, like CASTRO in Cuba and Chavez in Venezuela. The so called PRESIDENTS FOR LIFE CLUB, group called ALBA.
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