( reporting from Belize a Northern neighbor of Honduras )
The thing that sticks in the minds of us in Belize, a neighbor of Honduras, is all the furor over the alleged thief, that was ex-President Zelaya. We have enough stealing by politicians in small Belize, to be accustomed to lying deceitful thieves in government positions.. Yet, if we were the legal Honduran government, I cannot understand, why they have not issued an ARREST WARRANT for Mr. ZELAYA for the alleged theft of $40 million dollars, which occurred, according to the news reports, 2 or 3 days before his deportation.
There was a report from Europe in the international news, that INTERPOL would not issue a requested arrest warrant for Mr. Zelaya, the ex-president of Honduras, on the grounds, the issue is political. By the same token, the Europeans keep spreading disinformation and the lie that there was a military coup in Honduras, which we in Belize know better, being more familiar with these things happening in Honduras. So if you cannot trust Europeans to stick to the FACTS and the TRUTH, I guess one cannot get their INTERPOL to do proper police work either?
Still I do think our legal Honduran government across the water, from the southern area of our country, should at least insist on any outside foreign influences creating a disinformation campaign over what is happening in Central America, make it obvious to them; that until Mr. Zelaya gives back the alleged $40 million poor peoples tax revenue he has stolen, there will be no negotiations of any kind. The man is a criminal and a thief, like all the ALBA Group’President for Life’ group of ‘tyrants for life’ throughout the Americas.
Just an opinion from Belize, the Northern neighbor of Honduras.
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