We had read recently of a shakeup in Beltraide, a government department of some kind, of senior management department personnel. In the restructuring, we now read that one, Harrison Cooper of Beltraide, titled the investment and promotion officer in this new BELTRAIDE restructuring, recently attended Trade Expositions in New York and Taiwan on behalf of Belizean exporters. The purpose of the attendance abroad was expressed as finding markets for our Belize products that are either currently made in Belize to be exported, or could be made in Belize to be exported. We have 5000 new graduates from higher education seeking entrepreneurial ideas for going into business in Belize and a wide range of export potentialities, if a market and buyer can be found.
This sounds like an exciting move in the right direction for the UDP government.. We were not too clear what was actually done on these two trips, from the The Reporter newspaper article, but of certain, we are interested in whatever was found out. What are the results? Where do local investments and entrepreneurs put their efforts?
In particular, we intend to follow up with an e-mail to Beltraide located in Belmopan our capital city, requesting a list of IMPORTERS from both New York and Taiwan; that this Harrison Cooper has compiled after his trips, with names, addresses, Belize made products they are interested in and so forth. We not only want the general long list, but the short list applicable to the country of Belize in this present time. There must be thousands of importers both in New York and Taiwan, but cutting through the overwhelming number of wannabees is the necessity of winnowing out the time consuming and wasted practice of writing and emailing people who are simply not really interested. We view this as the job of Harrison Cooper, as he was the man, our tax dollars sent to these places to find out.
We are awaiting with interest to read of the long list and short list of importers for Belizean products, from New York and Taiwan. We shall let our readers know in due course what we find out, from this government paid marketing trip.
There are as an aside; been reports of an Agriculture Department paid trip into Central America looking for markets for Belizean products also. So far, we have no reference name, email, telephones, or reports on the success or failures of this trip, hinted at in the newspaper articles. We would like to know the results of this also. If you don’t disseminate the information , what good is it? These are good moves, but what did you government people find out? Tell us please?
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